Chapter 9: Battle on the bridge

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“You’re making a mistake. You won’t be able to keep up with my speed. I’ve gained two key advantages”

“Yeah? What are they?” Sasuke asked mockingly.

“First we’re surrounded by water. Second I’ve blocked one of your hands; therefore, you only have one hand to defend yourself” Haku said holding up his free hand in a hand sign,

What? Hand signs with a single hand, he is more skilled than I thought, I can do it but with certain conditions, that’s I only do it when there is no other choice.

“Secret jutsu” Haku said calmly “A thousand needles of death”

“Sasuke!” Sakura cries worriedly.

Ice needles start forming in midair, aiming for Sasuke. Haku leaps away, as the needles crash into the rave haired boy, creating a small explosion of water.

Haku leaps away, as shuriken are suddenly thrown at him.

Sasuke had leapt into the air, good to see he learned something from the training.

“You’re not as fast as you think” Sasuke taunts as appears behind him “From now on; you’ll be the one defending yourself against me!”

Haku and Sasuke dash across the bridge, before Sasuke manages to land a kick on Haku’s jaw. Sending him flying backwards. He skids to a halt at Zabuza’s feet.

“You thought you were quicker than me huh? Well let’s find out what else you were wrong about” Sasuke says confidently.

“You made a big mistake by insulting my students and calling them brats” Kakashi tells Zabuza and Haku “That’s just guaranteed to bring out Sasuke’s attitude. He is the best young ninja in the hidden leaf village after all. And Sakura here has the sharpest mind” he adds making Sakura chuckle nervously.

“And of course there’s our number one, hyper-active, knuckle head ninja, Naruto Uzumaki, and our very own prodigy, Sara Hiroshi”

I smirk at that.

Zabuza broke into a laugh, “Hmm, Haku if we keep going like this we’ll be the victims instead of the. Get on with it!”

“Right!” Haku replied standing up, chakra radiating from his body.

“What’s that?” Sasuke asks rhetorically.

“I’m sorry that it had to come to this” Haku apologies lowly. He brings his hands together and do strange hand sign, as icy rectangles begin forming all around him and Sasuke, trapping them inside.

“Secret jutsu: Crystal ice mirrors!” Haku shouted as the mirrors began to glow.

“What is that?” Kakashi wondered “How does it work?”

“It’s a Kekkei Genkai” I inform him “I read about it, it belonged to the Yuki clan, let’s just say from what I read that this isn’t good, not good at all”

His eyes turn to watch what’s happening, Haku walks forwards, stepping inside one of the ice mirrors. His image suddenly appears in every one of them. I have to do something.

When I try and dash forward to interfere, when Zabuza steps in front of me.

“If either you or the copycat try and enter the fight, you will fight me” He informs us darkly “Your boy has no chance against Haku’s jutsu. He’s finished”

From inside the dome, we can hear Sasuke groaning, as he is hit by hundreds of Senbon needles.

“Sasuke!” Kakashi calls urgently, while I grit my teeth trying to figure out what to do.

Balance of Light and Dark (Naruto Fan fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat