The Auction

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Summary: Carlos takes the biologists to the Whispering Forest, Ellie begins a project on Hiram McDaniels and the scientists bid for things at the auction.

"Ellie! Rochelle! Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, Carlos!" Rochelle beamed, running up and clutching her equipment. "Ooh, field investigations are so exciting!"

"Coming." Ellie said with a groan.

Carlos had, as usual, forgotten about half the things he was supposed to bring along. Natalia and Ellie came into view, each clutching half of the equipment needed. With the addition of the two extra scientists, the team were able to do more of the ongoing investigations on the large board of phenomenon that Jeffries had created the second week they had been there.

Many large investigations were still ongoing including "Dog Park" and "House In Desert Creek". Some investigations had been crossed off, including "City Under Bowling Alley", "Cecil in love with Carlos?" (Ellie, Perez and Natalia had originally added that as a joke, but now the crossed-out statement had a picture of the two of them next to it with the tag line 'definitely') and "Angels?".

Carlos had called a meeting that morning and they had decided to try and tackle one investigation into the Whispering Forest; to investigate whether it had a water supply that allowed the trees to grow. The prospect of figuring out the enigma that was the Whispering Forest was very exciting to Carlos.

"I call shotgun!" Ellie called, grinning wildly at Carlos. The biochemist was wearing one of her favourite t-shirts. It had Batman and Robin air guitaring to AC/DC blaring out of a radio, and she had slung her lab coat on top of it.

She had been in high spirits the whole morning, as Carlos had finally given in and allowed her to begin her project on Hiram McDaniels. Carlos had to give her kudos regarding her enthusiasm for the project, as well as having strong guts. Ellie was confident that she had emailed the charismatic five headed dragon enough times to be able to ask him some questions about his anatomy. She was fascinated by the dragon. Particularly by the fire breathing capabilities only being held by some of his heads. This was going to be her pet project. She had big plans for it but it still worried Carlos. She was going to go to one of his campaign speeches later in the week; a reckless venture even by Night Vale standards.

"I'll see you later, Nat." Rochelle smiled warmly at the physicist as she climbed into the back seat of Carlos' car with the rest of the equipment. Natalia returned her smile. "We still on for Big Rico's tonight?"

"Absolutely." The biologist grinned, her fluffy hair bouncing as she nodded.

"See you later, Dr Johnson." Carlos said from the driver's seat.

"Bye, Natalia." Ellie said a little flatly as she got into the car. Carlos frowned a little. There had been something off about his friend for a week or so. She'd been quieter and didn't seem to be talking to Natalia much. The usual joking vibe that the two usually had seemed to have deteriorated recently. It was probably nothing, Carlos thought. Or rather more accurately, he hoped.

"We'll see you in a while. Good luck at the auction!" Rochelle smiled at Dave, Natalia and Jeffries as they pulled out of the driveway.

Carlos had skimmed over the auction catalogue briefly before they'd left. Natalia had recalled to the team how she had struggled with the auction house to even give them a catalogue. The auctioneers had been reluctant to give them a copy of the catalogue for some reason, and Natalia had had to pull it out of the clawed grasp of the man's hands. It had torn out a fair chunk of the middle pages however. Their catalogue was missing lots 34 to 42. It didn't make a massive difference to the scientists, however, simply because they would be able to view a proper catalogue when they got to the auction. Carlos had requested that anyone on the team bidding at the auction put in a bid on any items of particular scientific interest, for "absolutely non-selfish scientific reasons".

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