The Whispering Forest

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Summary: Jeffries goes on his date with Leann Hart, Green and Johnson tackle lizard-created forcefields and Carlos drives out to the Whispering Forest.


Jeffries shook the scientist's shoulders gently. "Carlos. Ya need to wake up."

"Mm..." Carlos groaned in protest.

"Dr Valdez, an entire fores' grew jus' outside town mostly overnigh'."

Carlos' eyes snapped open and he looked up at Brent's slightly startled face.


"In th' east. Folks are gettin' panicky. People have been knockin' on the door since six."

"I'll see to it at once. Um...what time is it?" Carlos asked as he noticed his phone buzzing on his bedside table.

"Around seven thirty."

"Wake up Johnson and Green and meet me downstairs in ten minutes for a team meeting."

Jeffries nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Carlos reached over and answered his phone, yawning slightly as he did so.



"Oh, hi Cecil." He sat up, propping himself against his pillows. "If you're calling about the forest, I'm going to look into it."

"Oh...okay. That's...nice that you already know. Who told you? Was it that spoilsport Steve Carlsberg with all his theories?"

"No, it was a member of my team of scientists." Carlos explained.

"Oh, okay. If you're going to the forest, though, please, be careful."

"I'll be fine. A scientist always exercises precaution."

"Is that everything...?" Cecil's voice trailed off suggestively.

"Yes..." Carlos said, probably sounding a little more firm than he intended.

"Oh. Well, goodbye, Carlos." His voice went softer. "Take care."

"Thanks." Carlos hung up and replaced his phone back on the side of the desk.

He groaned.

It was too early in the morning to think about his personal life.


Seeing his team tired and bedraggled made Carlos' morning better by leaps and bounds. Both Ellie and Natalia had hair sticking out in all directions and it was difficult not to laugh at their scowling faces.

"This had better be important, Carlos."

"It is. We've had reports of a large forest mysteriously appearing outside of town. If it poses a threat to the town, we need to do something. Even if it doesn't..."

"You want to know how an entire forest grew in the middle of a desert?" Ellie questioned.

"Exactly. I'm going to get ready and then drive over to the forest. Green, you're the biologist, I could use your assistance."

"Miss Johnson and I are going to the zoo at ten, Carlos, but I can come over as soon as I can afterwards."

"I forgot about that. Brent?"


"Brent's got a lunch time date." Ellie beamed and Jeffries blushed, scratching the back of his neck.

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