Everything is going to be okay

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"Son of a bïtch!" Ricky growls and finally picks his phone up off the floor before rubbing the top of his head and gritting his teeth.
"That's an alarm now." Vinny sticks his head into the bunk area in time to see the Ricky incident. "Go back to your little pillow cave." I say, tending to Ricky's head now. I part his hair to the side after I declare several times to him that there is no bump at all and he will certainly live. "You are okay." I say again at breakfast when Ricky starts onto Vinny when he began to make fun of the incident. "You'll watch JoJo? And if she even has one strand of her hair missing I can hold you personally responsible?" Ricky gives up on Vinny and turns his focus on Chris, who has a pillow over his head as he rests on the couch.

I nudge Ricky and shake my head, I don't even want JoJo to really know Chris if I can help it. "I want Marilyn or Ashley Purdy to watch her while we're gone, I don't trust Chris and I don't know Ash very well." I whisper to him with my hand on his arm. He nods, I look at his hands to see them tense up at my touch, something's bothering him about his arm. "What's wrong?" I begin to lift the sleeve of his hoodie only for him to snap his arm back. "I'm okay...Hey, Marilyn, can you watch JoJo till we get back?" Marilyn glances up from his phone and turns it off. "Sure, as long as you're back by rehearsal. I still have to watch Renee and Gabe." Ricky and I agree that we will try our hardest to be back before rehearsal.

"Let's head out then." Ricky and I say goodbye to a still sleeping JoJo before stepping outside with Greg, I look to see that the sun is just barely gleaming out at us as if to say hello. "The travel is pretty simple, just shut your eyes and let me do what ex-angels do best."
"And what's that?" I ask nervously with Ricky's hand now clasped in mine. "Break into heaven, it's mostly the teenagers of the fallen angel race that do that to cause a bit of fun for once up there, but any of us can do it anytime as long as we don't get caught. Considering you two have no way there, I am happy to help." Ricky puffs his cheeks out and rolls his eyes. "Our savior, what would we do without you?"

"Enough of the sass and do what he told you." I say before shutting his eyes for him and close my own. "Hopefully we will see each other again in one piece." Ricky mumbles, a strong gust of wind pushes my hair off my shoulders and then someone taps my shoulder. "We're here." I open my eyes and looks down to see gold marble under my feet and that I'm surrounded by what seems like nothing but a white surrounding us, almost like a box.

"This isn't how I imagined the pearly 'gates.'" I put up air quotations around gates when I see a white door to the left of us. "We aren't at the entry, we are in the room before the Pillar. If you go through the door there should be guards waiting you, and Vanessa..." My Dad trails off as I reach for the door knob, I turn my head around and tilt it to a side. "It's gruesome, be careful. Protect her, Ricky." My nerves only tighten after what he just said, but there is pretty much no return after the promise I made myself. I open the door, heaven isn't what you Christians have always described. It's not walking on clouds or cute puppies with angel wings, it's nothing but pure white all around you. Everyone is motionless except for an occasional shift of glance, it's scarier then death itself. In the middle of the whiteness is a wooden pillar with chains hanging from it, dried blood drops here and there from a lack of proper cleaning.

Angels are not what the Bible states either almost. White cloaks and loose pants to match, there hood disguising their faces and there gold armor protecting there chests and arms. "Come with me." I nearly jump a hundred feet when a deep voice from a nearby guard beckons me to stairs, leading to the pillar. I walk steadily all the way till I am seated by Ricky, surrounded by several other angels and guards. That's when I see someone who sticks out like a sore thumb. His race obviously African American, a shaved head and black, sleek clothes.

Our eyes catch, his our not a brown like you usually see. They are a piercing blue, and unlike Ricky's, are not comforting. Fear strikes into my chest, something tells me we are not suppose to get along. He holds my stare, not even budging when an angel walks in front of him occasionally. "Vanessa, look." Ricky's voice breaks the connection when a rattle of chains fills the silence. I see Josh with his hands bound in front of him and his wings firmly tied, blood drips from his back where his wings meet skin. They've outright tortured him, his body covered in bruises and cuts. I remember Chris saying why he has his tattoos, and now Josh will be needing the same thing o hide the scars of his past.

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