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Your eyes were scrunched tightly closed, waiting for the moment Niall would let go and mercilessly have you fall to your death. "Open your eyes, baby," he cooed. You hesitantly obeyed his orders and opened your eyes, seeing you wrapped safely in Niall's arms at the same exact place, on the edge of the cliff. Niall was using all the strength he could gather to make sure you wouldn't fall. "See?" he smiled before gently pulling you back to safe grounds. "I told you you could trust me." You avoided looking into his eyes as your attention diverted to the stone hard ground. "Babe," he whispered, gliding his fingers gently up and down your arm. "I know this probably seemed really stupid, but my intentions are pure. They weren't before, I'll admit, but they are now. I wanted to bring you back here so that I could show you that I am trustworthy. I didn't want to simply tell you because I know that actions speak so much louder than words. And, if you're willing to, I'd love to bring you to one more place." You gradually lifted up your head to look into his hopeful eyes that glistened against the moonlight. "I-" you began. "Y-yeah... sure." The widest smile appeared on Niall's face when he heard your reply. His blue orbs sparkled from joy and his grip on your hands tightened. "Let's go then!" he merrily cheered. You couldn't hold back the giggle as you ran with Niall towards his awaiting car. The car ride to your mysterious destination was silent aside from the nervous tapping of Niall's fingers against the wheel. "You okay?" you giggled, finding his anxiety absolutely adorable."Huh? Oh... yeah, I guess," he said, his voice showing clear signs of nervousness. "I just want this to be perfect. I've pictured so many different scenarios in my head, so I'm hoping it actually turns out the way I imagined it." You breathily chuckled, "You've imagined about this?" "Wha- Oh, shit. I said that out loud didn't I?" his eyes widened, looking over at you. "Damn it, Niall," he swore at himself. "You always know how to screw things up-" "Hey, I found it kinda cute," you smiled, lightly placing your hand on his leg. He relaxed under your touch; his concerns vanishing as he went into a peaceful and calm state.

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