Bet 10

584 10 0

The following Monday, you groggily treaded to school. Your eyes were bloodshot, cheeks blotchy red, and huge bags were forming under your eyes. Even though you'd told yourself to forget about him, it wasn't as easy as it sounded. You couldn't get your mind off him yesterday, and you couldn't stop thinking about him today either. You kept your head down as you made your way through the packed hallways, avoiding eye contact with any of your classmates. You didn't want anyone speculating your clumsy appearance; you already had enough drama to deal with. Once you arrived at your locker, there sat a bouquet of a dozen roses in front of your locker. "Oh, for fuck's sake," you swore under your breath. You knew exactly who this had come from. You bent down to pick up the bouquet and glanced at the note attached. "Love always, Niall xx" You wanted to throw up at the sight. Who does he think he is? He breaks your heart and then starts sending you all these romantic gestures that he didn't even do when you dated. You walked over to a nearby trashcan, before dumping the flowers into the nasty dump and heading towards your first block class. Hours later, you were sat in History class, taking a unit test on the Roman Empire. The quiet screeching sounds of pencil hitting paper were the only noises that interrupted the silence of the classroom, until your phone went off. "Who's phone is that?" you teacher demanded, standing up from her seat at the front of the classroom. "Mine, ma'm," you quickly replied. "I-I'll turn it on silent." " Oh, you better. The next time it goes off you're getting a detention." You nodded your head quickly, scrambling to push the button on the side of your phone. As your teacher sat back down, you looked around to make sure none of your classmates were still looking at you. In response, you returned your gaze to your phone to see that the cause to the ringing was a text from Niall. "Hey babe, I hope you liked the flowers. Meet me outside the school at the end of the day? As usual, see you later babe xx" You quietly scoffed, is he ever gonna get the hint that you hate him? What is he trying to do anyways? Win you back so that he can win the bet once and for all? "(Y/N)!" Your head popped up from under the desk, seeing your teacher's intimidating structure standing tall beside you. "Hand over the phone." You sighed in defeat as you shut it off, and gave your phone to your teacher's waiting hands. "Oh, and by the way," she said as she made her way back to the front of the room. "Detention."

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