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@cocoalban requested this imagine so here it is! I'm sorry but it turned into something else while I was writing so I'm sorry it's not exactly the same like you requested. I'll be doing some other requests too! So stay tuned!

You and your friends decided to do a road trip and camp in the woods. This idea was by Y/BF/N (bestfriend.) and you were excited for it. But just as she spoke the sentence "Niall is coming too." you were pissed off. You and him never got along together and you didn't do anything wrong at all. He was absolutely rude and you couldn't stand him so your first tought was to act rude to him too. Anyways, you packed your things and as everybody gathered their stuff and put it in the back, we all stepped in the small car and somehow you managed to all get in the car. Even though you were pressed up against Niall and Louis you decide to ignore Niall because of his rude behavior. Harry drove and Y/BF/N sat in the passenger's seat. She turned on the radio and Showtek's Booyah came on. You yelled an "Ooh yeah!" as the beat dropped. You and Louis jammed to this song. "Can you stop moving?" Niall asks. "Why should I?" You ask him and you and Louis keep doing. "Because I am annoyed." He responds. "Well you are annoying me most of the time and you don't hear me saying anything about it either." You shrug. Liam laughs and Niall only scoffs at your answer. A few other nice songs came on and you and Louis were jamming along while Niall would only roll your eyes at you or just glare at what you two were doing, Liam would sit on his phone playing stupid games, Harry was driving and focusing on the road and Y/BF/N was doing her make up or something. Anyways, you grabbed some chewing gum and gave Louis and Liam one. Niall was following your actions the whole time, annoying you, but you decided not to start a fuss cause you wasn't in the mood to fight with him. Y/BF/N put the music volume lower. "Y/N how could you?" She asks. "What?" You ask. "How dare you bitch, not to share your chewing gum with me." She asks. "Hoe you were busy with make up." You respond. She laughed and you give her the chewing gum. Louis threw his arm around your neck. "Now higher the volume because me and Y/N are ready to jam along with some songs!" He exclaimed while he gave Niall an evil grin. You seem to notice that Niall was pissed off by Louis. You wonder what Louis did. But, The Weeknd's The Hills start playing and as the chorus starts you and Louis both began to scream the lyrics. "I ONLY CALL YOU WHEN IT'S HALF PAST FIVE!" Liam began to laugh at what you and Louis were doing. "Are we almost there yet?" Niall asks. "10 minutes." Harry responded. You killed the time by singing as loud as you can with Louis. When you all arrived you all grabbed the things and went to the place where you could set your tent up. Each tent was for 2 persons so there were three tents. "Who's sleeping with who?" Harry asks. "Y/BF/N you are so sleeping in my tent!!" You say. "Duh, ofcourse I am bitch!" She responded. "Well me and Liam wanted to go in one tent so that leaves Niall and Louis to sleep together. Niall seemed to be pissed off and Louis only grinned.  As you all set up the tents you decided to make a fire. Y/BF/N and Liam left to get some more stuff from the car, Harry and Louis decided to prepare the space for the fire and Niall was nowhere to be seen. "I'm getting wood!" You yelled. You heard a few 'okays' and 'greats' so you went into the woods. To your surprise you didn't find any wood branches so you went further away. As you finally found a few you were ready to go back. But as you look around, all the trees looked the same. And you had no idea how you came here. You were lost. You sighed. You pull out your phone to call Y/BF/N. You had no signal here so you walked a bit until you finally got signal and you immediately called her. To your luck she picked up. "Y/N?! Where are you?!" She asked. "I'm utterly lost right now, you have no idea." You sigh into the phone. "What do you mean lost?" She asks. "I have no idea where I am. I have no idea where I should go." You respond. "Y/N , how do we find you now?" She asks. "I don't know either. Ask one of the boys." You say. Suddenly you hear something behind you. As you hear some branches breaking you know you had to run. You look behind you and you didn't knew big bears like these still live in these woods. The bear was making weird sounds and you ran harder. You saw a bush and decide to hide behind it. Again, you hear branches breaking and that's where you were stuck. You couldn't move anywhere since the bear was coming your way. You closed your eyes. "Before I die I wanna thank my mom and dad for raising me even though I was stubborn and I also wanna thank Y/BF/N for keeping up with my shit and staying by my side whatever happens and I also want to tha-" You rambled on but you were cut off. "You aren't going to die silly." You opened your eyes and you see Niall standing in front of you. "Uh what are you doing here?" You ask him. "Basically I am the only smart one out of everyone and followed your footsteps." He responded. "Why were you searching for me, I tought you hated me?" You ask him since you were surprised he even went to get you. "Uh-No I-I don't hate you at all." He stuttered. You stood up. "Then what is it?" You ask. "Do I really have to tell you now?" He asks. You both started to walk and you followed Niall's actions since he knew the way back. "Yes because I am confused." You respond. "Well it- it's kinda ehm yeah well I kinda like you. And I'm actually scared to make a move so I always try to ditch you but wherever I am you always find a way to be near me. And I never know how I should act around you it just happens automatically that I act rude towards you because I don't know what to do since I never got your attention. When I acted like myself I never got much attention of you so I tought it would maybe help if I would act rude towards you and it actually worked cause I received attention of you. But it came off the wrong way. I'm sorry for what I did to you." He told you sincerely. "Aww that was kinda cute Niall even though you were rude all the time." You responded. "But I don't know how I should react." You continued. "You could kiss me?" He asks. You grin at him and pull him in a kiss. You deepened the kiss by pulling him closer to you. And this cute little kiss became a heavy make out session. "Hey guys I found Niall!" You hear someone yell and coming closer. "And Y/N." you hear another voice smirk. You and Niall both pulled away from eachother. "Well look at that! He finally made a move!" Louis laughed. "Shut up you asshole." Niall commented before he dragged you away to receive another kiss from you.

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