Bet 7

607 14 2

"Ready, darling?" Niall asked, rubbing the small of your back with his calloused fingers. "Yeah," you sighed, nervously brushing down your skirt. Niall reached up to lightly knock on the wooden front door. You sighed, letting out a deep breath. "Jesus, chill," Niall joked. "They'll love you, don't worry." He grinned his goofy smile before pulling you in for a kiss. You placed your hands on his neck, pulling him in close. He chuckled against your lips as his hands slipped behind you and up your bare back. "Ew! I haven't even welcomed you in yet, and you're already all over her." You broke away from Niall to look at the open front door. You saw a short brunette with piercing blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Louis," he stuck out his hand for you to shake. You took it in yours before replying, "Nice to meet you! I'm (Y/N)." He beamed at you before welcoming you into his warm home. "You have a really nice place," you spoke up, wanting to make a perfect first impression, since he was someone Niall seemed really close with. "Aw, thanks love! You're such a sweetheart. C'mon, let's go meet everyone else." Louis led you and Niall into his living room, where two handsome boys sat. "Hi! I'm Liam." The one with shorter hair popped up from his seat to introduce himself. He wrapped his arms around your smaller body without hesitation, engulfing you in his warm embrace. "Liam, loosen it up a bit. She can't even breathe," the second guy stepped up behind him "Hello, love. I'm Harry." He leaned in for a hug, making sure he didn't crush you as Liam had. "Alright lads, back off. She's mine," Niall said, pulling you into his arms. You giggled before snuggling into his chest. You and Niall stood cuddled up together as you watched the other three boys start up a silly argument on whether to play FIFA or watch a horror movie. "Hey," you turned, whispering into Niall's ear. "Can you show me where the bathroom is?" "Of course, princess," he whispered back. He grabbed your hand before dragging you out of the room and into the hallway. "Right here," he said, opening the bathroom door. "Thanks, babe," you giggled. "No problem, just come back when you're done, alright?"
He leaned in to peck your nose before heading back towards the living room. After you had taken care of your business minutes later, you started making your way back to the living room. "So you think she loves you?" You stopped in your tracks, immediately inferring that the boys were talking about you. You quickly leaned against the wall that hid you from view of the living room as you eavesdropped on the boys. "I don't know," you heard Niall's voice. "I mean, I think she loves me. She hasn't said anything yet, though." "Yeah, well the bet was to get someone to love you Niall, not someone to like you."

Niall Horan Imagines ☻Where stories live. Discover now