Famous 3

546 15 1

GUYS I literally wrote this whole part and then Wattpad decided to be a
b!tch and delete it as draft so now I had to re-write it so soRRY IF IT SUCKS!

so your European leg of your tour just ended so you had 2 weeks free off. The last few weeks you've spent with hanging out with Niall. You guys were like best friends. You were really close. Even the media noticed and made up some rumours. Management told you to just shrug it off and ignore it. Even tough you couldn't deny you were getting a crush on Niall. You were not hoping on getting something with Niall because he was ignoring you this week along with Casey. This made you feel left out. And that is definitely not good. When you were younger, you were depressed and had hurt yourself a lot times. That was because of you felt ignored. People made you feel like you were unwanted. And now the memories were all coming back. Even tough no one has noticed. You walk into the room where you and your bandmates Casey and Mike often practice for your tour. You saw Casey and Niall talking to each other like always. You decided to try and talk to them since they've been ignoring you all the time this week. "Hi guys!" You waved at them. And ofcourse they just simply act like they don't hear you. "Niall.." You pouted. "Casey!!!" You whine. Again they act like you weren't in the room. "Well I'm really sick of this. You guys know how much I hate this. I hate the both of you. Guess this is why Mike has always been my best guy friend." You say and raised your finger as you walk out the room. You immediately walk to Mike. "Mike can I get a hug?" You ask. He smiled at you and nodded. "I know there's something wrong Y/N, you can tell me." He said. "Casey and Niall are ignoring me. And it feels exactly the same as 4 years ago." You say biting your lip trying not to think about that memory. "And they know about my past, I'm sure." You continued trying to hold in your cries.
"Mike can I cry?" You ask. "How dare you to ask that Y/N! Ofcourse you can.. You know you are like my unbiological little sister. I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise. You are here for a reason Y/N. You are worth living. You aren't alone and if you need someone I'm here. Remember that you're always enough." He says and gives you a comforting hug as you began to cry.

(A/N: ^^This is also for my readers who maybe have been through alot. If you ever need someone to talk to then you can text me on kik: @kinkynjh :)
I've been in that stage too so yeah !)

You sobbed onto Mike's shoulder but then you hear Mike speaking. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks. You look up and see Casey and Niall standing a few meters away from you. You feel Niall staring at you. Niall and Casey are both looking furious. "Bye Mike." You wave to Mike and ran outside. You ran outside and began to cry. You were trapped in the busy streets of the city so you just walked into an alleyway. You sat on the cold ground and began to sob. Suddenly you feel someone embracing you.
"Y/N is that you?" The person asked. You didn't even bother to look at who asked that. "Yes it's me the oh so famous Y/N L/N from Ghostrockers who's unwanted and doesn't deserve to be here!" You cried. "Y/N it's me Louis." The person said. You immediately looked up and indeed it was Louis. Louis was your friend when you still was in school. He knew about your past and tried to help you a lot and tried to make you feel happier. He always made jokes to make you laugh.
"It's okay Y/N.." He reassured you. "We can stop by a pub to get a drink and talk a bit, is that okay?" He asks.
"Yes." You sniffed. He gave you a hug. Then you he threw an arm around your shoulder. You realised paparazzo's were standing there the whole time. They probably took a lot video's and pictures of this. You just shrugged it off and walked further with Louis. He walked with you into a little pub. The paparazzi stopped following you and you were glad about that.

Louis ordered some coffee for the two of you and you talked a bit. You told him everything from Niall and Casey ignoring you to running out.. He embraced you again and you see flashes from camera's. "Paparazzi" You whispered. "What? Pizza?" Louis asked. "I want pizza, duh. But I actually said paparazzi." You laughed. He looked outside and he nodded. "Well, I think we should probably go.." He trailed off. You nodded. "Let's go then." Louis said. You left some money for the waiter on the table and you both stood up. "I think this is a goodbye?" Louis asks feeling the awkwardness. "Ofcourse not, silly!" You laughed. You both exchanged numbers because it's been awhile since you guys saw eachother. You waved him goodbye and walked back to the building. You sighed before turning the doortwist. You walked inside and you feel pairs of eyes staring at you. And ofcourse this was no surprise because you expected Niall, Casey and Mike sitting in here. A sigh slipped your lips. Niall walked up to you and you rolled your eyes. "Stop rolling your eyes." He said. "Not for you." You fought back. "Care to explain this then?" He asks looking furious than ever before.


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