Bet 12

576 13 2

You ran towards the window, quickly unlocking it and gliding it open in order to talk to Niall. "What the hell are you doing here?" you whispered as loud as you could. "Good thing the detention room is on the first floor, eh?" Niall chuckled. "You didn't answer my question, asshole," you glared, refusing to fall for his charm. "Alright, alright," he said as he put his hands up. "Relax, I'm here to help." "Help what? Help me get into more trouble?" "No, just listen to me, please," he begged. "I wanna make things right again. That bet, it was so stupid-" "Tell me about it." "And I regret everything I did. I promise." "Promise is a big word, Niall," you interrupted once again. "I'm sorry, but you really need to go." "No! I want to explain things. I'll feel guilty for the rest of my life until I get this settled. You don't even have to like me again. You don't even have to talk to me again! I just want a chance to explain myself. I would like to apologize for everything I've done to you. I want your trust again." Tears were beginning to form at the brim of his eyes. His expression showed sincerity and hurt. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm sorry for everything i've done to you. Please, just give me a couple minutes to explain myself." You stared at the ground, fumbling with your sweaty hands. You sighed deeply, looking back and forth from Niall to the door of the classroom, waiting for the unexpected arrival of Ms. Grayson. "(Y/N), I want you to come with me. I want to prove myself and make you believe that I'm not the kind of guy you think I am," he pleaded, salty tears streaming down his freckle-covered cheek. "Please... come with me." You sighed in response, leaving the window and heading back to your seat. "(Y/N)-" You grabbed your backpack before heading back to the window, "Let's go." "Here we are," Niall sighed, pulling up to your destination. You looked out the passenger window, seeing the location of your second date right before your eyes. "N-Niall... why are we here?" "I want you to know that you can trust me," he smiled lightly, reaching his hand over to place it on yours. "C'mon, follow me," he gestured, stepping out of his car. You followed him out, trailing close behind. As the two of you made your way towards the stunning view of the city, Niall reached behind him to grab your small hand in his. You flinched, your entire body tensing up as your skin made contact with his. "Oh, sorry," Niall said, quickly pulling away as he nervously scratched the back of his head. You looked away to avoid eye contact with Niall, submitting to admiring the city's view that was all too familiar. You felt Niall's warm presence beside you, keeping one side of your body extra warm. It took you a while to realize that he had gently placed his hand on the small of your back, rubbing gentle circles into your soft skin. You relaxed under his soothing touch, despite the fact that there were still doubts in your mind. As you were deep in your thoughts, you felt Niall lean over and whisper in your ear, "Take my hand if you trust me." You zapped back into reality, thinking about all the other times you had mindlessly put your trust in him. But this time, it was different. This time you knew about the consequences, you knew what Niall was like as a person... Do you really want to take those risks again? Without another thought, your heart disobeyed your mind and you placed the palm of your hand on top of Niall's awaiting fingers. He intertwined your fingers together before slowly leading you to the edge of the cliff. "Niall, what are you doing?" you panicked. History was repeating itself; you knew you shouldn't have trusted Niall. "No, babe, please. Relax, you can trust me. I promise." You breathed in deeply before looking over at him with your trembling lips. He returned the look with a beautiful smile on his face. Oh, how you've tried to dodge his irresistible charm, but it seems to be impossible. "Now, turn around," he kindly commanded. You followed his orders as you turned around, imitating the exact position you were in during your nightmare. "Close your eyes," he whispered. "What?" "Just close your eyes, babe. I got you."

Niall Horan Imagines ☻Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora