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Sitting in Biology class, you were frantically jotting down the notes as your teacher explained the most confusing concepts in the fastest manner. Someone tapped your arm lightly, stuffing a folded up piece of paper into your face. You couldn't afford any interruptions, but your curiosity got the best of you. You took the piece of paper from the classmate who sat to your left and quietly unfolded it. You took the paper and hid it under the desk as you read, "Hey, (Y/N). I've had my eye on you for a while now. Meet me after school right outside the main entrance. See ya there babe, Niall xx" You quickly stuffed the paper into your pocket before your teacher was able to notice any mischief. Niall? Of all the guys in the school, he was the one who had a crush on you? You've never been asked out by a guy before, so this was very unexpected. It's kinda weird though, don't you think? Niall is known around the school to hate the idea of love and dating. He's more of a guy to hook up, or do a quick one night stand. Although, you didn't mind this at all. You've had the biggest crush on Niall ever since elementary school. Everything about him was perfect. Looking around the classroom, your bright eyes landed on Niall. He just so happened to be looking right back at you with those brilliant blue orbs. His wink was quick and sudden, but definitely noticeable. You blushed a bright pink before turning your attention back towards the white board at the front of the classroom. Your heart was already beating three times faster. Could the end of the school day come by any slower? At 2:25 pm, the dismissal bell rang, sending vibrations through the classroom walls. You gathered your books and immediately dashed out of the classroom, running towards the main entrance. You stood by the stairs that led up to the front door, impatiently waiting for Niall. The thought of potentially being Niall's girlfriend made your heart flutter. Yet, the longer you waited, the more doubts that began to form in your mind. Did Niall plan on ditching you? Was this a trick all along? Well, it had to be. Of course it was. What are the odds that the hottest guy in school chose to ask you out on a date? You shook your head in dismay as you made your way down the front steps, feeling absolutely humiliated for falling for him so easily. "Hey, where you going?" a soft voice spoke up behind you. You spun around to see Niall standing at the top of the stairs, sincere concern written across his face. "Oh, I-" you began. "You thought I stood you up, didn't you?" he asked, hurt being detectable in his voice and expression. "Wha- No! No, no, no... It's not at all like that." "It's okay, you can admit it (Y/N)," he said as he made his way down the stairs and towards you. "I got used to it. I'm kinda known around here for being a dick." You shook your head, afraid to admit it. "You can stop that," he chuckled. "You don't have to lie to me." You smiled before looking at the ground, refusing to show the bright blush that painted your cheeks. "So, I uh... I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime," Niall interrupted the silence. "You know, like on a date?" You lifted your head to meet with his angelic face. "Y-Yeah, I'd love that." "Great!" he grinned, those famous wrinkles forming at the corner of his eyes. "But..." you continued. "Why now? We've known each other for years, and you've never shown any interest towards me whatsoever, or any girl at that matter." Niall's face turned pale. You saw his Adam's apple bob up and down as he nervously swallowed. He quickly covered up his anxiousness by saying, "Umm... I don't know. I guess I never really took the time to admire such a beautiful girl like you," he cheekily smiled. You noticed how nervous he was when you interrogated him, but you decided to shrug it off, thinking it wasn't that big of a deal.

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