Famous 4

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Last part of 'Famous'

"Care to explain this then?" He asks looking furious than ever before. He showed you a picture where you were sitting in a booth in the pub. In the picture was Louis hugging you. " that's me and a guy." You say in a sarcastic voice. "You never told me you had a boyfr-" You immediately cut Niall off. "Wow and out of sudden Mr. IgnoreY/N decides to speak." You say and clap your hands in a sarcastic way. "Y/N he was just asking you." Casey says. "Wooowww Mr.IgnoreY/N 2 decides to speak too!" You say and clapped your hands in a sarcastic way again. "Are you on your period or something?" Casey asks. "Are you stupid? Do you remember 17-year old me? Being ignored by her friends? That girl who was feeling left out? Do you remember that? How she cut herself and tried to commit suicide?" You ask. Niall's eyes widen and Mike gives Casey an angry glare. "I'm feeling like that again." You say. "But Y/N I d-" Casey tried to say but you cut him off. "You know how hard I struggled with that and yet you still ignore me! I'm glad Mike is here!" You screamed. "Is that why you were hugging Mike earlier?" Asks Niall.
"Yes Niall." You say as you roll your eyes. "I told you man yet you don't even believe me!" Mike yells at Niall. "Sorry man I di-" You cut Niall off. "I sorry doesn't fix everything." "I can't believe I am friends with you two." You say to Niall and Casey. "Y/N?" Niall asks. "What now Niall?" You ask feeling annoyed. "Me and Casey were ignoring you for a reason.." He trailed off. "And that reason is?" You ask. "IamkindainlovewithyouandIwasplanningtoaskyououtassurprisebutIguessitisntasurpriseanymore." He said in one breath. "What?" You ask. He sighed. "I am in love with you. I really like you. Casey was helping me to ask you out and surprise you. But we forgot about this. And I guess this isn't a surprise anymore." He says. "Oh Niall.." You sighed. "I'm sorry man." Casey says and patted Niall's shoulder. "I guess I will leave then?" Niall asks. "What?" You say. You get it now. They think you don't like him and that you turned him down . "Niall, I love you too." You whispered a bit too loud. His eyes widen and lighten up. And his frown immediately turns upside down. He runs to you. "Can I kiss you?" "Ofcourse you can, silly." You wink at him.

so sorry if this is too cheesy and short oopssss lols

Niall Horan Imagines ☻Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora