"You think I give a shit? I am not spending a bloody month with that arsehole over there!" I yelled in Lou's face. His expression softened again and El pushed him off me and looked at me with a smile .

"Move in to our room! Lou can stay in here! I mean they've had to share before on tour like at hotels and stuff. I mean ill help you bring your stuff over. Is that okay?" El asked, putting a light hand in my shoulder. My heart then started beating at a normal pace and I started breathing normally. Leave it to El to haves good idea.

"O-okay." I stuttered, looking her in the eye.

"And you Styles," El turned around and pointed at him. "We are not finished with this conversation. You're still in trouble."

He huffed and looked at me with a smirk. Fucking arse.

"What the hell are you looking at?" I asked, crossing my arms. His smirk turned even wider.

"Nothing pretty." He said, laughing at the end. I swear if I could slap the smirk off his face. I lunged at him but Louis caught me. I fought in his arms, trying to punch Harry, while he sat there with a smirk still on his face.

"Let me go!" I shouted, pounding his hands with my fists. It didn't make a difference.

"Harry, you are such a fucking douche all the time." Louis snarled, pulling me back more. His smirk was replaced with a frown. Lou then turned to El while I squirmed in his arms. "Okay, El, please pack all of Ash's things , ill go pack my stuff, once my stuff is in here, ill move ash's stuff into your room. Then come downstairs, were going to stay in for the day, watch some movies and play some games, another storm is supposed to be here in an hour. It's supposed to be bad, it should last a few days." Lou told us.

El whined. "But Lou, if were in Flordia, shouldn't it be sunny?!?"

"Well, we-" He was cut off by me kicking him in the leg to let me go. "We are by water so , the storm is going to be worse, its almost the end of summer. Don't ask for an explanation, I'm not mother nature!"

El laughed and walked over to the dresser opening the drawers.

"Okay, cmon Ash." Lou said, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. I gasped , and pounded my fists on his back. "Not going to work."

I huffed and let him win, making my arms go limp, and letting him carry me.

"I hate you." I mumbled, but he must of heard me. I felt a radiation on his back and heard his laugh.

"Love you too."


After we had switched rooms, and I was glad I hadn't seen Harry for an hour, I changed into black sweats and one of my mom's old blue Oxford sweaters she gave to me when I was little. I don't hate her, I love her, this was a momento from my childhood with her.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs strolling through my Twitter newsfeed. Again, hate and ... questions?

#AskAshley was currently trending worldwide. What the fuck happened?

'@LarryShipper563 @Ashley_Benson What did you do to Harry? I'll cut you. #askashley'

I doubt it.

'@5boys_andacarrot @Ashley_Benson where are you and the boys? It's like you disappeared from the fandom. #askashley'

I did. Not so sure about the boys.

'@ZaynisVain @Ashley_Benson I love you, but it seems like you're making Harry slip away from the fandom. Why? #askashley'

I'm not... if he doesn't want to tweet he doesn't have to. I don't control what he does.

☼The Summer of Harry Styles☼Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang