31. Crystals

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Ashley P.O.V.

It's those spare moments that you cherish for a lifetime. All the laughs, the eye rolls, the cheeky lines, the flirtation, the most awkward situations. It's all just permenantly stuck in your brain.

Emerald Green eyes. Brown chocolate curls. Deep dimples. The cheeky smirk. The perfect heart shaped lips. Perfect, him. He's perfect.

That's the thing about him though, you can never forget him or lose him no matter how hard you try or want to forget. It's like he's a chronic memory. You can't stop it from occuring no matter how may asprins you take.

It's like when your brain is stuck on a song ya know? And the song relates to everything that is going on in your life. It's indescribable how such a small paragraph of lyrics can get stuck in your head for a lifetime. You can't replace it with another song, its too unique.

Harry. Harold Edward Styles. He is unique. He made me feel something... he made me feel love again, he made me feel real. That's a gift I could never repay.

I look at myself in the crystal blue water of the ocean. I've changed so much this summer with Harry. He's changed me so much. I've learned how to let my emotions out and actually open to people. When we argued... I was opening to Harry. I just hadn't realized it until now.

It has been two weeks since we had made up and every night , we would act as best friends. We would cuddle under a blanket, watch movies together, play video games , and just play around. We would go midnight swimming and throw bonfires with the others.

It's like I fell in love with Harry again. It breaks my heart to know I shut him down. And he probably moved on, and he doesnt feel the same way anymore. What's worst is that he goes on tour, while I stay in Cheshire, doing nothing. I decided not to study at Oxford, but study next year, to be more prepared.

I'm going to miss him like crazy and the fact that girls will be all over him at concerts and meets & greets, makes me squirm. I want Harry to be mine again. Mine and only mine.

Todays our last day here and I am literally dreading going back to Cheshire. This has been the best time of my life and I don't want it to end.

It just feels like I'm in a colidiscope, and I can't get out. I literally am trapped in Cheshire with nothing to do for a year. I'm going to be all bymyself while Harry is on tour. I have Natalie , Carly, and El but it won't be the same without the boys.

Natalie and Niall announced that they were together a week and a half ago. It's so wierd that Harry and I are the only people that can't act like a couple in that house because were not. But I want it so badly, I do.

Dani came a week ago... Liam and her broke up a half a week into vacation and Dani left. We've been trying to keep his mind off things, but he's miserable. I feel so bad for him and all he does is mope around. Join the club.

I'm happy on the outside, but I'm slowly breaking on the inside. This summer has been the best in my life. Although I owe it to Carly for making me go to that concert with her. If I haven't I would have never met Harry.

As I look into the sunset, my toes dipped in the water, and my shadow cascading over it. I feel like I'm a bout to break, but I never do.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek. That's usually how far it goes. I brush it away and look at myself in the water. How pathetic I am. I laugh to myself and I feel a presence behind me. I stand up and turn around, kneading my toes through the sand. I see Harry dressed in a white t-shirt, blazer, and black skinny jeans. He bites his lip and looks into my eyes.

"Hey." He speaks. I wonder why he is dressed in such formal attire.

"Hi." I softly whisper.

"Tonight's our last night." He tells me, and I hear a crack in his voice. I sigh and hold in my tears. "Then I go on tour."

"I know.." I whispered, looking at the sand.

"Ashley please look at me." I hear Harry say and his hand cups my chin. He lifts my head up and look into those green emeralds that make me melt. I feel my knees buckle when he starts to speak in a raspy tone, almost like he's about to cry. "This summer, I met Ashley Marie Benson. I met you. You've turned me into a different person. I'm no longer as angry as I used to be at the world and I know how to keep calm under certain circumstances. You taught me that. You taught me how to let loose, and not worry about what people thought and you made me learn how to love even more then I thought I could."

I feel tears run down my cheeks and he takes hold of one of my hands and keeps the other under my chin.

"You are stubborn, and annoying, and funny, and childish, and angry a lot."He laughed, tears falling down his cheeks." But that's what makes us work. We teach eachother things and learn the expectations. I never thought I could fall this head over heels for a girl in my life. I never thought that I could love someone as truly, madly, and deeply as you and I.. I can't get you out of my head. I love you Ashley." He explained, his voice cracking at the end. He let go of my cheek and held my left hand and got down on one knee. He took out a velvet box from his jeans pocket, tears still falling freely.

Oh my god. Oh my god. He's not doing what I think he is.. I'm gonna have a heartattack.

"Ashley Marie Benson, will you do me the honor, of becoming my girlfriend again?" He cried , opening the box. I thought he was proposing... but this is just as good.

In the box layed an identical silver airplane necklace to Harry's. There was a silver ring with words written around it next to it.

I placed my hand over my mouth and sobbed tears of happiness. I franintically nodded, and he picked up the ring sliding it onto my finger.

"Its a promise ring..." He told me. I looked at the words and it was engraved 'The Summer of A + H Forever'. I swallowed thickly and tears started pouring down my face.

"It's perfect Harry. I love you so much, Thankyou." I sobbed, tackling him in a hug when he stood up. He pulled back from the hug and he grabbed my cheeks pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was salty from our tears, but full of passion. And I couldn't be any happier.

"Oh the necklace... It'll be like a bond of our relationship. I love you too Ashley." He whispered, once he let go. I nodded and I pushed my hair to the side and he clipped the airplane necklace to my neck and turned me back around. He kissed my forehead and laced his fingers in mine.

"Someday, well make that a real ring." He smiled. I giggled and nodded, our foreheads pressed against eachother. "I have one more question."

"Ask away."

"Will you go on tour with us?" He asked nervously. I smiled like an idiot.

"Do you really have to ask?" I laughed and he smirked before pressing his lips to mine, and swinging me around, his arms around my waist, a passionate kiss. I knead my fingers through his curls, tugging on them, and he bit down on my lip in pleasure. He parted a from my lips and rested his forehead on mine, breathing heavily.

"So, I take that as an I Do?" He smiled, deepening his dimples.

"I do." I breathed.

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