Chapter 1: Contact

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If you have not read the Prologue, there is a very important authors note there. You may not understand the book if you don't read it. Enjoy.

Here is the link to Ashley's outfit:

Here is the link to Arden's outfit:

Status: Edited

Ashely's P.O.V.

Loud music flows throughout the hall as soon as I take a step out of my room, and I inhale the smell of bacon and eggs. As soon as I hear the first few lyrics I groan, remembering that it is going to be a One Direction filled day.

My feet shuffle against the tan carpet toward the bright kitchen and down the stairs, my eyes barely open. I'm surprised I didn't fall down the stairs when I make it safely onto the hardwood floor. I turn to the right and into the kitchen to see a tall girl in just a long jumper, dancing back and forth in front of the stove with a spatula in her hand. She hums along to the song playing soundly throughout the room, her feet hitting the ground. She's always been fairly good at singing, so I don't mind, even if it is One Direction.

"I don't care what people say when were together, you know I want to be the one to hold you in your sleep, I just want it to be you and I forever, I know you wanna leave so cmon baby, be with me so happily." She sings softly and stops abruptly when seeing my sleepy state standing before her. "Good afternoon sleepy head."

"Ugh, its too early for this." I groan as she hands me a plate full of food. I set it on the counter and sit on one of the stools, and she hands me a fork.

"Its 2:00 in the afternoon." She bursts out laughing and I roll my eyes, pushing my hair out of my face. Arden asks if I would like orange juice and I nod, taking the glass from her. "Maybe you shouldn't stay up so late watching Netflix."

"I know right? I'm such a party animal." I say sarcastically, taking another bite of bacon. "Besides, it shouldn't matter. I have all summer to figure out my life."

"I know, I know. We are adults now living on our own, and we make our own decisions."


"So , lets make the decision to go and pick out our outfits together? I have an idea already for mine but most of your closet is black, white, and grey so maybe you can borrow some of my clothes." She suggests.

"First of all, black is very slimming. Second, my clothes are extremely expensive and fashionable. Third of all it also contains navy blue and maroon. Finally, I don't need to wear 'bright colors' to look pretty." I finish off my plate and walk over to the sink, and she shuts off the stove.

"I didn't say it wasn't and that you needed my style of clothes to look pretty. Just try and look nice okay? You look beautiful most of the time anyway, but I really want to make a good impression, okay?"

"Okay, I'll try." I smile and once again she hugs me. "Don't you have to eat?"

"Oh, I already ate before you walked down. I'm gonna go and curl my hair okay?" She sighs contently and scurries off to her room, leaving me to fend for myself with the clothing options.


Two hours later and my hair is wavy, my nails are painted maroon, and my body is freshly cleaned and pampered. My makeup is done naturally, just a bit of foundation and chap stick, winged eyeliner and mascara on my eyes. A grey beanie covers my hair, but it doesn't look bad at all. I'm wearing a white t shirt with black font on it, and a leather jacket with a grey hood. I've paired everything with black skinny jeans and grey Vans, making sure none of the colors clash. I don't look goth, if anything comfortable and chill. I'm actually looking forward to just going out on a Friday night even if it is to see a One Direction concert.

☼The Summer of Harry Styles☼Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя