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Let me explain to re-readers: I have changed Carly's named to Arden, just thinking it would suit better. Ashley's name remains the same and she is played by Ashley Benson. Arden is played by Selena Gomez. Enjoy.

Status: Edited

Ashley's P.O.V.

Rays of sunshine glare through the paned window, the sun beginning to set with a light wash orange and red. I sip on the cup of Yorkshire in my hands, before glancing over the current page of 'Paper Towns' once more. My mind is set into a state of coziness and bliss, and suddenly its teared away from me when a large scream echoes through the halls next to me.

I jump, and some of the tea spills out onto my fuzzy blanket, and I curse the black wavy haired girl that runs into the room seconds later. Her laptop is held in her hands and she is jumping up and down with excitement over something she hasn't clarified yet, though I know she is about to. Before she starts babbaling, I save my page on the Kindle App and set my phone off to the side, preparing my ears for what is about to come.

"Ash, you arent going to believe this- I mean, I cant even believe it myself, this isnt even happening right now. What is real life anyways-"

"Arden, get to the point." I huff, and run a hand through my hair. This behavior has become a normal routine for her, when in reality, none of these things she finds on the internet ever matter. Last week she got excited over winning a Zayn Malik sweatshirt that the company was selling for charity. She had nearly spent 500 pounds on the damned thing, which I believed was utterly ridiculous.

"So, you know how I like that band One Direction right?" Arden is talking quickly, and her hands are shaking as she holds her Mac Book.

"You mean the group of boys you've been obsessing over, driving you into a dark abyss of fangirling and online debacle?" I raise a eyebrow, a teasing tone to my voice which makes her roll her eyes and laugh.

"Yes, of course. Well, do you remember when we went on that road trip about a month ago after graduation to New York City?" She bites her lip and I nod. She runs across the room and sits down next to me, practically shoving her laptop in my lap. "Well, there was this guy at a street kiosk who was holding a One Direction contest. I guess it would give the boys good publicity and it would give the fans a good chance to see the boys in concert in London. They would be flown out here with a friend and see the concert in person. I spent 50 pounds on that damn contest and I prayed that I would get picked from that pile of entries Ash. And guess what?"

Her eyes were glazed over as she looked at me in hope and I prepared myself for her reaction to my next words. I could feel it coming.

"God answered your prayers?" I guessed quietly and suddenly her frantic screams were heard and she giggled, grabbing my hands and pulling me off the couch, trying to get me to dance with her. But I stayed in place as she jumped around in happiness.

"Yes he did! C'mon Ash, happy dance with me." She giggled and continued jumping trying to dig for a reaction, but did not get one to no avail. Her smile formed into a pout, and she stopped jumping, her hands wrapped in mine. "Why aren't you happy dancing?"

"You know how I feel about them." I shrugged, pulling back my hands from her grip, and sitting back down on the couch. "Like I said before, I just don't take an interest in popular boy bands like that."

"And like I've said before, that doesn't make any sense. You like Arctic Monkeys, The 1975, Twenty One Pilots, Imagine Dragons, Sleeping With Sirens-"

"All music that I like-"

"But they are still boy bands. Or man-bands..." She trailed off fumbling with her words. "And I understand that you don't like their style of music or their fan base."

"Yes, because it is crazy-"

"But I'm your best friend. And I love them not just because they are hot. I love their music, how they made it into the business, and their personalities. They may be a petty teen hormone- crazed boy band to you, but to me they are my favorite people in the world. If I'm happy, shouldn't you be happy for me?" She's holding onto my hands again and looking at with me with such sincerity that I cant help but cave in.

"As long as your happy." I smile and suddenly she is fine, jumping up and squealing a 'yes'.

"Ah, this is awesome! I'm glad you are because you are coming with me to the concert tomorrow night!" She smiles wide and the smile falls from my face.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Those concerts are way too crazy." I chuckle bitterly, and stand up, walking past her to the kitchen.

"And Warped Tour concerts aren't?" She glares at me, a hand rested on her hip.

"Arden, that's the crowd that I like. Besides, I already planned on going clubbing tomorrow night. I don't want to spend a Friday night surrounded by screaming 10 year olds, who think they even understand their songs." I open a box of strawberries from the fridge and begin to eat them when she speaks again.

"But you can spend it with screaming adults?" She narrows her eyes at me.

"That's not the same thing. Don't you dare insult Warped Tour."

"And don't you dare insult One Direction." She fires back and I bite my lip, sighing. "Please Ash. I wont have fun with anyone else but you. And they are backstage passes! And we don't even have to take a plane. Its right in London. We can't just pass this up."

Maybe going to one concert with her wont be so bad. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?

"Okay, fine. What time do we need to leave?" I huff, digging my tongue into the side of my cheek, strawberry tasting sweet on the tip of my tongue. Suddenly, I'm engulfed in her arms and I'm laughing at her embrace, hugging back gently.

"Thank you, thank you! It is being held at the O2 Arena in central London, we have to be there by 5:00 if we don't want to be mauled. Ah, I'm so excited! What am I gonna wear, how am I going to do my hair..." She mumbles her words, running out of the kitchen and most likely upstairs. I sigh and smile, pushing the strawberries back onto the top shelf in the fridge.

Its not that I don't like One Direction.

Its just...

Okay maybe I just don't like One Direction.

☼The Summer of Harry Styles☼जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें