Treasure Hunt (Three Musketeers)

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Three Musketeers

Trooper starred at the letter and Caviar's hat. He undid the red silk ribbon that tied the letter shut and slowly unraveled the letter. Only a short sentence was written on the page. Nothing else.

All the world's wisdom can be found inside, but in which will the next clue hide?

Trooper stared at the paper for a moment trying to process what was written down. "WHAT?!" Trooper yelled frustrated. "YOU TAKE CAVIAR AND LEAVE ME A LETTER THAT MAKES NO SENSE?!" Trooper crumpled up the letter and threw it as fas as he possibly could. He whinnied loudly frustrated and bucked widely.

After a moment of throwing a tantrum Trooper finally calmed down. He picked his friends hat up and walked through the dormant down thinking about what the letter said.

"All the world's wisdom can be found inside... Where are you going to put all of the world's wisdom?... And how is it all going to even fit int-" Trooper stopped in his tracks once the realization hit. "The library!" Trooper spun around on his hind legs and galloped toward the towns library.

"Okay... Um... What else did it say?..." Trooper tapped his front hoof looking around at the shelves of books trying to recall what the letter said. "Something about where will the next clue be?..." Troopers eyes grew wide realizing that he was about to have to go threw each and every single one of these books.

Seven hours later Trooper threw the last book to the side. Still no clue. Trooper whinnied pissed and bucked the book shelf that was behind him over on accident. The book shelf slowly tipped over and Trooper tried to save it from falling but failed and all the book shelves turned into dominos.

Trooper watched the last book shelf fall with a loud thud. "... Oops..." Trooper watched the statue of Ace start to wobble and then crash to the ground smashing into a thousand tiny pieces "... My bad..." Trooper saw a white letter that was rolled up with a red silk ribbon tying it close.

Trooper walked over and picked up the letter that laid in the rubble of the shattered statue. He untied the red silk ribbon to revel what the inside of the letter said. He read the words that the letter was concealing.

Without fingers, I point, without arms, I strike, without feet, I run.

Trooper starred at the paper confused. He paced around the trashed library trying to think about what this riddle was hinting at but he couldn't think of anything at all. He was tired. The sun was setting but he was determined to be able to find his friends. Maybe just a quick nap... Then he'd be up and able to think straight when he woke.

Not before long Trooper was asleep laying on the ground snoring loudly. His hat covered his face while he slept and each time he exhaled the feather on top of his hat danced like crazy. His legs were curled up by him while he slept.

The clock tower in the towns square struck 12. The sound of it rung through the entire town. Trooper woke up startled at the noise. He looked around a little dazed and stood up. That's the first time the clock tower had gone off the entire time they had been there.

Trooper stood their thinking about why that was the first time the clock tower had gone off the entire time they had been there... Clock tower... Wait! The riddle! Trooper thought to himself. It makes perfect sense!

"I got it!" Trooper said to him self happily and galloped out of the library leaving it a complete mess but he didn't care he had better things to be doing.

Trooper galloped through the town toward the towns square where the clock tower was. Once he made it he looked up at the clock tower. He saw the letter dangling from one of the arms on the clock tied on by a red silk ribbon.

"How am I suppose to get up there?!" Trooper snorted annoyed with the face he won't be able to get this letter because he refused to climb things like Caviar and Totillas did. He was not a very light breed of horse so it was harder for him to get to higher places so when ever they had to climb any thing he always got the ground jobs.

Trooper huffed loudly and swished his tail. He waited and waited and waited for the letter to fall but being tied to the hour hand this was about to take a really long time. Trooper got sick of standing after a while, he sat down on the cobble stone road still watching the time tick by.

After a while Trooper ended up falling asleep on accident while watching the time slowly go by. The letter dropped from the clock tower down to the ground in front of him quietly while he slept.

Trooper woke up the next morning from the sun shining in on his eyes. He got up and stretched. After a moment of realizing where he was Trooper noticed the letter. He pulled the red silk ribbon off of it just as he did with the other two and revealed the contents of the letter inside.

Hurry! There isn't much time... Whats black, blue, and white but red all over?

A whinny pierced the air which sent a chill down Troopers back. His hair stood on edge and his eyes grew wide. He knew that whinny.

Trooper dropped the letter to the ground and galloped toward where the whinny came from as fast as his legs would take him. While he galloped another whinny rang out but from a different area this time. Trooper spun around on his back legs and galloped toward where the second whinny came from.

It seemed as though the whinnies didn't want Trooper to find where they were coming from. Every time he got close a new one would ring out and he'd have to gallop to a new location. This seemed to go on for hours before Trooper galloped around a corner and smashed straight into another pony...

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