You Coward (Three Musketeers)

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Three Musketeers

     Totillas walked through the crowd of horses. He's head down. The white feather from his had sticking up. He bumped into some horses while walking but said nothing. When he made it where he wanted he stopped. His head still down. He listened.

     "These three horses are not the rebels. Or as you know them, the "three musketeers." Ace, a pinto gypsy vanner, yelled out over the crowd. Totillas rolled his eyes listening. Ace was the leader of the KRA (Knights Responding to Ace). He was the reason Kingston was corrupted. Totillas kept his head down, he didn't want to be detected by Ace even though his blue and white outfit kinda stood out.

     "They are a family. And they will be hung." KRA Knights put ropes around the three horses necks as Ace talked. "Not because they have done wrong. But simply because they responded to the question they were asked about if they knew where the three musketeers were with we. Don't. Know." Ace snorted. "Let this be a warning to all of you! Do no..."

     "I didn't know you wanted us so badly!" Totillas shouted back interrupting Ace and raising his head. His white feather on his hat shined in the sun light.

     "Surrender yourself rebel! And these horses won't be killed on your name!" Ace smirked.

     "Alright. I give up." Totillas sat down. The horses around him walked away from him. KRA Knights started for Totillas. Caviar jumped up where the three horses and Ace were. Trooper followed her. They all had matching outfits, a basic blue base with jagged white fabric around the neck and smooth white lining the rest with two white arrows that crossed over each other in the back and a solid black hat with a white feather, as a sort of Brotherhood symbol to them.

Caviar snuck up to the three horses and got her knife out. "Y'all are free!" She whispered as she cut the ropes from their necks. They all galloped to freedom thanking her. Trooper snuck up behind Ace.

"You know. If you wanted us, you could have just asked." Trooped laughed. Ace turned around hearing him say that. Troopers butt was facing Ace. He smirked. "Surprise!" He bucked Ace off the edge of what they were standing on. Totillas whinnied and stomped his front hoof laughing from where he was sitting. Trooper and Caviar both hoped down and trotted to Totillas who was still sitting.

     "Don't drag the innocent into a fight that isn't theirs. They don't need this." Caviar narrowed her eyes at Ace who was picking him self and dusting dirt off of him. Ace snorted. His Knights stood by him.

     "And a real stallion doesn't need other horses to do the fighting for him." Trooper rolled his eyes at Ace who narrowed his eyes at him.

    "Is that so?" Ace pinned his ears back. Ace signaled to his Knights. They charged at the Three Musketeers. The horses of the town all ran away from the city square not wanting to be in the mess about to happen.

"Coward." Totillas got up.

"Now what?" Caviar watched the Knights advance.

"We do what we always do. We fight for what's right." Trooper looked at them. Totillas nodded.

     "It's better us then them." Totillas grabbed his sword. The others followed his lead.

     "Shall we go for Ace? Or leave that for another time?" Caviar twirled her sword. The Knights were almost on top of them.

     "If you get the opportunity. Don't hesitate." Totillas charged through the herd of KRA Knights. The group fought like they always do. With the thought that if they failed, the horses of Kingston would be killed. By the hoof of Ace. But it was to much. To many guards kept coming and they couldn't fight them off forever. Not alone at least. There were only three of them. The only three in all of Kingston who dared to stand against Ace.

The only three who had a purpose to live.

"We can't keep this up Totillas!" Caviar whinnied tired still fighting off the Knights. Totillas looked at his friends and could see how worn-out they were. The fighting had been none stop lately and they had gotten little sleep.

"Trooper!" Totillas neighed. Trooped perked his ears up and looked at him. Totillas nodded at him. Trooper smirked and grabbed a small spear from his belt. He pulled the pin on it and tossed it up. The three took off galloping away from the square. The spear fell and exploded killing every guard there.

Ace was gone though. Safe from any harm to come. Behind the doors of his palace.

The group kept galloping. Caviar snorted. They all walked making it back to their home. They all were breathing hard as sweat dripped down their bodies.

     "That stallion is a coward!" Caviar stomped her hoof.

     "I know Caviar. But we have to keep our cool about this. He wants us to get mad and we can't let him win." Totillas tried to calm her down. She pinned her ears back looking at Totillas. Trooper stood their awkwardly.

     "Caviar he does have a point..." Trooper tried to help Totillas out but it was no point. Caviar snorted and trotted off toward the hills near the city. Trooper started after her but Totillas stepped out in front of him.

     "Let her go. She needs to let off some steam." Totillas perked his ears to where Caviar was going. He watched her trot off. "She's still young and still learning." Trooper rolled his eyes.

     "I don't get mares. They are so high mantence." Trooper snorted. Totillas laughed agreeing as he trotted inside.

Caviar galloped through the hills. The feather on her hat flapped in the wind. She galloped faster the more she thought about Ace. Her ears were pinned. Her legs pounded against the ground before sliding to a stop on the edge of a cliff. She stood up straight and reared, neighing as loud as she could manage. When her front feet landed back on the ground she bucked multiple times.

When she tired herself out she laid down and watched the sun set. The sky light up with colors. It was the one thing that could calm her down. She laid her head on the ground watching the sun set, slowly closing her eyes.

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