Not Ready To Be King (White Knights)

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White Knights

Prince Aldiar laid on his back looking up at the stars. His legs were bent like a dead bug as he did. His mane was sprawled out over the grass. He listened to the crickets around him as he watched the night sky. The lights of his soon to be castle shined behind him. It annoyed him. So much responsibility for a 6 year old (horse years) stallion. How silly! He sighed as he laid there.

"That's a funny way to lay for a Prince!" Recker laughed at Aldiar. Aldiar rolled over on to his side and looked at Recker. He laughed realizing it was just his best friend.

"It's easier to see the stars this way!" Aldiar smiled. Recker laid down next to him and laid how Aldiar was laying. Aldiar rolled him self back on to his back again. The two looked at the stars. Aldiar sighed.

     "What's wrong?" Recker looked at Aldiar like he didn't know what was actually wrong. Aldiar looked at Recker then back at the stars.

     "I don't want to rule Nibiru yet... I'm only 6! Why can't I just wait?... I'm not ready..." Aldiar looked at all of the stars. Recker looked up at the stars.

"I know it seems like a lot. But we need you. The horses of Nibiru need you! I need you. I know you think you aren't ready but if there was any pony that was the next ruler of Nibiru, I'd want it to be you." Recker smiled. Aldiar listened to everything his friend was saying. "And just remember, if you ever need help we live in the same place and I'm stuck by you 24/7." Recker and Aldiar laughed.

"Thanks Recker." Aldiar smiled. The sun began to rise.

"You should probably go get cleaned up. Not to sure how the horses in the castle would react to their Prince with grass in his mane and tail." Recker laughed. Aldiar rolled over the his side and started getting up.

"And what about you? You are the princes knight? Wouldn't they want you to be clean as well?" Aldiar smirked. Recker got up and shook off.

"Nah, I can just say I was fighting off some bad stallions." Recker smirked. "The mares always dig that sort of stuff."

"You never change do you?" Aldiar laughed getting up. He shoot off and looked at the castle.

"It's gonna be alright. I promise!" Recker tried to comfort his friend knowing what was going through his mind. Aldiar nodded and kept staring at the castle. "Race you back!" Recker smirked.

     "You're on!" Aldiar smirked. He took off and slide down the steep hill side, his hocks touching the ground as he slid. Recker laughed and jumped after him. Mud splattered every where from the two friends.

     Aldiar galloped toward the castle when he made it to the bottom. Recker chased after him.

     "I'm gonna win!" Aldiar laughed nearing the castle.

     "Is that so?" Recker smirked. When they were close to the castle he put his ears back and rocketed forward leaving Aldiar in the dust. Recker made it to the courtyard of the castle and slid on the cobble stone to a stop. Aldiar galloped in after him but didn't stop in time and tackled Recker. Both the them fell down.

     The two laughed as they picked themselves up. The workers of the castle watched the two.

     "You probably should go get cleaned up now." Recker laughed shaking mud off of his fur.

     "Probably." Aldiar smiled and trotted inside. He walked down the long hallway trying not to track mud any where. He trotted up the stairs and walked to his bedroom.

Recker trotted outside to all the other white knights who were suiting up in their armor for the day. He met up with a few of his other buds and messed around with some knight training games.

Prince Aldiar got ready after cleaning up. His red cape draped over his flank and the chain that connected it in the front was cold against his chest. He slipped on a chain around his right front leg. Some pony knocked on his door.

     "Come in!" Aldiar said fixing his outfit. Beatrix, a bay Arabian mare who was considered a slave in the castle but Aldiar never treated the slaves like slaves, opened the door holding a tray of tea. She walked in and set it on Aldiars dresser. "Thank you Beatrix!" Aldiar smiled. Beatrix smiled back shyly.

"You are welcome Prince." She bowed and trotted out.

"You don't have to call me Prince!" Aldiar said as she trotted out. It bother him when other horses called him Prince. He didn't want to seem better then any pony else even if he was the Prince. But Beatrix was afraid to call him by his name instead of Prince. It felt wrong to her because of Aldiars dad, who was very rude to the horses in the kingdom. Aldiar sighed and looked in the mirror. "I'm no different than any other horse in the kingdom... I just feel so out of place here..." He drank his tea and walked out of his room not exactly ready for the day but he wanted to get it over with.

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