Five Minutes (White Knights)

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White Knights

     Aldiar paced in his room. Recker, laying on Aldiars bed, watched him pace.

"I don't get what you are so nervous about." Recker laughed. Aldiar stopped and looked at Recker like he was crazy and then went back to pacing. "It's honestly not that hard to do!"

"Easy for you to say! You're surrounded by stallions all day every day and when you have to talk to a mare it comes easily for you!" Aldiar kept pacing.

"You've said like what, 20 words to her in your life time? Grow a pair and talk to her Aldiar!" Recker laughed at his friend for being so nervous over such a small simple thing.

"I don't know why I can't talk to her! I can talk to every pony just fine and then I just see her and I lose my ability to speak or something!" Aldiars speed increased as he continued to pace throughout his room. Recker kept watching him.

"Well I don't know what to tell you then, but you do have some princely business to attend to." Recker looked at Aldiar.

     "Oh forgot about that..." Aldiar stopped pacing and looked at Recker. He sighed. "Let's go ahead and get that over with then."

     "Well you really had no choice." Recker laughed and hopped off of Aldiars bed and stretched his legs. "It's scheduled to be in 5 minutes." He trotted to the door and opened it.

     "5 minutes?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Aldiar bolted out the door.

     "Because you didn't ask!" Recker laughed and trotted after Aldiar. Aldiar galloped to the meeting room with 2 minutes to spare. He fixed his mane and trotted in.

     Recker trotted in a little bit after his friend and took a seat next to Aldiar. The room had 4 other horses in it; a horse who planned out events, a tailor, Aldiars dam, and the horse who planned out events assistant.

     The horse who planned out events stood up. "What day were you wanting to have the gala this year?"

     "The same day Aldiar becomes king." Aldiars dam smiled at the horse. His assistant was writing everything that was being said down.

     "Have you picked a theme yet?" The planner horse smiled.

     "Not yet but something formal like usual!" Aldiars dam continued to talk with the planner horse while his assistant took notes.

     Aldiar zoned out half way though the meeting. He hated just sitting there, and he was already distracted because he couldn't stop thinking about Beatrix.

     Recker hit his hoof against Aldiars hoof and smirked. Aldiar hit his hoof back against Reckers hoof. The two friends continued to subtly hit one another's hoof with their own slowly getting a little bit harder each time because they were both beyond bored.

"Aldiar, why don't you and Recker go play outside?" Aldiars dam snorted at him, annoyed with the sound of their hooves hitting one another.

"We don't play any more..." Aldiar looked at his dam. She narrowed her eyes at him just wanting them to get out of the room so she can plan the rest of this day in peace and quiet.

Aldiar nodded and walked out of the room. Recker followed and trotted when he made it to the hallway to catch up with Aldiar.

"I'm gonna do some research and see how she can become a non slave horse!" Recker smiled as they walked.

"When ever you find out how tell me!" Aldiar laughed, knowing there was really no way for a slave to become anything but a slave.

Recker and Aldiar walked out to the fields. Knights walked around filling holes, cleaning up, and re painting some lines that were on the ground.

"You're making them do all of this?" Aldiar laughed watching the Knights work.

"Ya, they never really do work like this so its a good learning experience!" Recker winked at Aldiar and laughed. They walked through the fields, watching what the Knights were doing as they went.

"Recker, when I become king there's nothing you can do to stop me from fighting beside you!" Aldiar smirked. All he ever wanted to do was to fight along side his best friend in battle.

"I know." Recker laughed. "So I had some of the Knights start on an armor set for you! It's gonna look really cool!" Recker nudged Aldiar shoulder.

"Id hope it looks cool!" Aldiar smirked and laughed.

"What? You think I would disappoint my best friend?" Recker laughed and tossed his mane. The two kept going, past the fields.

It had been a while sense Aldiar had been in the town last. He hoped Recker would go with him there as they walked but normally they had to stop on the out skirts and turn back.

Aldiars parents were pretty strict about that stuff. He couldn't leave the castle some days when his father was alive. But after his father passed his dam gave him more freedom, like going through the fields and exploring the forest around the castle. Yet he still couldn't go into the towns around them.

The two kept walking. Aldiar could see the tops of the houses of the nearest town. He smiled. Even if they did have to turn back he loved seeing them. He wondered what it was like to live a normal life in the town where you were the same as everyone else and no one treated you like royalty.

As the two got closer and closer to the town Aldiar began to see the horses who lived there. Aldiar was mad that he never got to go experience the towns around the castle. Recker got to all the time!

Right before the outskirts of the town, Recker turned around and started trotting back. He never broke the rules that Aldiars parents gave him. He wanted to keep his friend safe. Aldiar sighed and trotted after his friend.

"Race you back!" Recker smirked. He knew how much it pained Aldiar that he could never see stuff like the towns because of his dam.

"Oh! You're on!" Aldiar reared and took off galloping and the two friends raced back to the castle.

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