Step Off (Band of Brothers)

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Band of Brothers

     Zane trailed behind Tris and Shadow. He looked around as they walked, examining all of the sights, smells, and sounds. Everything was new to him. He had never been outside of the castle walls for as long as he could remember. It feels like he was born there but he knew he wasn't because he could over hear some of the guards talking about kidnapping bastard foals, and the new "shipments" of foals every month.

     "You alright back there Zane?" Shadow looked back at Zane who had trailed pretty far behind.

     "Huh?" Zane looked at him noticing how far they had become. "Oh sorry!" Zane galloped up to the two. Tris smiled at Zane. Zane looked at Shadow. "Where are we going any ways?"

"Out of Kevland." Shadow kept walking. Questions flooded into Zane's head. He wanted to ask them all at once but he didn't want his new friends to get annoyed with him and send him away.

     "Shadow... So if you got out how come you come back?" This confused Zane the most. He walked in the middle of Shadow and Tris.

     "I got out because of luck. The only reason I came back the first time was to save my sister, but when I got back home she was already gone. I spent weeks looking for her. I never found her. I didn't want that to happen to anyone else so I started rescuing other foals. Usually 4 to 8 at a time." Shadow kept walking, a little bit faster. More questions kept poping into Zane's head.

     "How many times have you come back to rescue foals?" Zane trotted a little to keep up with Shadow and Tris.

     "This is my 7th time coming back." Shadow looked around thinking he heard something. "It's not simple. I'm the most wanted horse in Kevland." That made Zane question why he was following Shadow but he knew he was good so why was he wanted?

     "Where do you take the foals?" Zane trotted up next to Shadow because he was falling behind.

     "Usually the Rebel mountains. It's about a 2 week trip." Shadow started to trot. Tris did as well.

     "How come you are wanted?" Zane trotted quickly back up to the two.

      "Look." Shadow halted and turned around. Zane didn't expect it and accidentally ran into the side of Shadow. "I know you are curios but can you please not ask so many questions in such a short amount of time? It gets old really quick." Zane nodded his head quickly. Shadow turned back around and continued to trot. Tris walked over to Zane.

     "He gets like this when he's stressed its not your fault." Tris smiled at Zane and trotted after Shadow. Zane smiled back and followed. Shadow stopped and looked around. His ears perked forward. "What is it Shadow?" Tris tilted his head.

"It's him." Shadow looked at them a little spooked. "Go. Now!" Shadow reared. A white figure dropped behind Tris and Zane. The two didn't hesitate and took off galloping. Shadow grabbed his golden sword and twirled it. The flea bitten gray stallion wore a black long sleeve and a brown leather jacket. The stallion popped his neck. "Rorke." Shadow held his sword.

"Shadow." Rorke smirked. A scar went from under his right eye down to his left nostril and another was over his left eye but he wasn't blind in it. A shiver was sent down Shadows spine. Rorke really creeped him out but he didn't show it. "Have you seen the run away slave?" Rorke walked in a circle around Shadow. "That colt with you looked exactly like him. And that filly looked like another foal that was taken, but she was taken from a holding camp."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence?" Shadow scoffed.

"Oh... A coincidence... Why didn't I think about that?" Rorke stopped and looked at Shadow. "Continue on your way then. I'll just tell the king he has to block off the cliff."

"NO! You know what you are doing is wrong!" Shadow stomped his hoof. Rorke looked at him and smirked. A helpless whinny pierced the air. Shadows ears shot forward. He put his sword away and galloped to where it came from. Rorke laughed watching him bolt away.

Shadow slid to a stop and looked up. A net holding Tris and Zane was suspended about the ground. The two squirmed crying for help.

"Hold on you two!" Shadow grabbed his sword. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Rorke galloping at him.

"HOLD ON TO WHAT?!" Tris was squishing Zane. Shadow rolled his eyes at Zane's remark. Rorke put his head down about to throw Shadow at full speed. Shadow galloped at Rorke holding on to his sword. He jumped up half a second before Rorke was about to trample him and jumped on his back. He jumped again. This time up by the net. He swung his sword cutting the net. He landed on his feet but the other two hit the ground hard.

"Go!" Shadow got the other two up and galloped away from Rorke. Rorke galloped around a tree then opened his stride out farther chasing the foals. Shadow looked around for a way to get away from Rorke. Zane struggled to keep up with the two. "This way! Follow me!"

      Shadows hooves hit the ground hard and fast as his little legs shoot across the ground. Tris followed closely but Zane was falling farther behind. Shadow jumped up rocks climbing up hill fast. Tris followed. Zane started to catch up but slipped.

     Rorke was right behind them. He grabbed Zane's tail in his mouth and started to drag him down. Zane tried to hold on to the rock he slipped on.

     "Shadow!" Zane cried out helplessly. Shadow looked down at Zane.

     "Tris keep going!" Shadow leaped down the rocks. Tris nodded and continued up. Shadow jumped over Zane landing on top of Rorke. The two fell down the pile of rocks. Zane got up and took off up the rocks making it to where Tris was.

     Rorke hit the ground. Shadow landed on top of him untouched. He got up and galloped up the rocks. The three raced off to safety away from Rorke who laid there on the ground.

     "Who was that?!" Zane said out of breath and still petrified from what just happened. Shadow and Tris were both catching their breath as well.

     "That was Rorke. I call him the Kings pet because he does what ever he says without question. And. He's out to get you two." Shadow looked at the two.

     "So that crazy stallion wants Zane and I?!" Tris looked at Shadow scared.

     "Yes. But I won't let him get either of you." Shadow smiled.

     "Oh ya? How many horses have you lost to him? Huh? When were you planing on telling us this?" Tris sounded aggravated.

     "I've lost 5 horses to him... I tried okay! There's only so much I can do! I wasn't going to tell you but even if I did would you have said no? You didn't want to go have a chance at freedom because one horse would stand in your way?!" Shadow snorted. "He's not bright! He only gets the weak ones and none of us are weak so step off!" He pinned his ears back. "I'm trying to help you."

     "It's okay guys we are all okay!" Zane tried to lighten the mood.

     "We will set up camp here for the night." Shadow swished his tail and trotted to an area off the path. The others followed him. The group settled down for the night. Shadow laid awake watching over them till he fell asleep.

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