Let Me Work! (Assassins)

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Abacus looked through the information that was in the file that Apollo snatched while the group invaded Cesar's castle. Apollo sat watching Abacus look through everything. He'd try to see what exactly Abacus was looking at but never could. Abacus's just tried to ignore all of the noise that Apollo was making.

"Did I get good information?" Apollo smiled still sitting down staring at Abacus. Abacus looked at him. Apollos staring made him feel awkward.

"If I told you yes would you leave me alone to work?" Abacus smiled barley at Apollo.

"Yes!" Apollo smiled widely.

"Then yes. You actually did get a lot of helpful information but I haven't gone through all of it...." Abacus was interrupted by Apollo.

"AWESOME!" Apollo hoped up and galloped outside. Abacus watched him race away.

"Yet..." Abacus finished his sentence. "Alright..." He went back to looking over the papers. He sighed. It was abnormally quiet without Apollo and now no pony was keeping him from working and he didn't like it. He stared at the papers and looked over the words but every time he'd think he was ready to go on to the next paper he'd realize that he didn't even read the page and have to start all over again.

     Ajax walked through the ronin the Cave that Abacus was in. "Hey Abacus!" Ajax smiled. Abacus still couldn't read anything. He didn't notice Ajax was in the room.

     "UG!" Abacus stomped his hoof hard against the floor. Ajax stood there awkwardly.

     "Bye Abacus..." Ajax walked awakardly away. Abacus looked up seeing Ajax walk away.

     "Wait! Ajax!" Abacus yelled desperately. Ajax stopped walkin and turned around.

     "Yes?" Ajax perked his ears forward.

     "I need you for a second!" Abacus trotted over to him and started pushing him to where Apollo was sitting earlier. "Okay! Now sit down!" Abacus smiled.

     "Okay..." Ajax looked at Abacus extremely confused and sat down. Abacus trotted back over to the papers and began reading them again. It still didn't work. Abacus snorted angrily. Cowboy trotted trough the room. Ajax watched him. Abacus's ears shot forward.

"COWBOY!" Abacus shouted happily, his eye twitching a little because the fact that he couldn't read was really really really getting to him. Cowboy jumped to the side startled.

"Yes?" Cowboy acted like he was not scared and nothing happened. Abacus galloped over to Cowboy and forced him to sit down next to Ajax. Cowboy looked at Ajax really confused about what was going on.

"Just go with it." Ajax shrugged. Abacus galloped back to the desk and looked over the papers. Still nothing.

"UG!" Abacus stomped his hoof hard on the floor again. "Why isn't this working?!" He said frustrated. The two others just sat there.

     Apollo trotted back inside after galloping around outside. Abacus's ears shot forward.

     "APOLLO!" Abacus shouted happily.

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