World War III - Chapter 1

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hey guys.

had the idea of this story in my head like...forever!

so I thought I might as well just write it.

Dont' worry, I'll still try to update "Shhh...It's Confidential"

Chapter 1


I took a deep breath as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked...different. I couldn't even tell it was me, Ebony Adele Lynx, more commonly known as Ebony Lynx, the teen super-model. I ditched my Chanel pumps and replaced it with supposedly what normal teenagers wore-converse. My long, natural black hair was cut emo style with the fringe and everything. My blue eyes were hardly visible under the strands of hair that were shadowing them.

I chucked on a black hoodie and swung my backpack over my shoulder. I sighed as I looked into the mirror for the last time. I have to do this, I told myself. I wanted to be normal. Even if it meant changing my style, personality and attitude. Ever since I was 'noticed' at the shopping centre, I've been an instant celebrity. Girls wanted to be me, boys wanted to get in my pants. I was only four years old when the chief executive officer of FASHIONISTA saw me. It's been 13 years and now I'm 17. I've done modeling for Gucci, Chanel, Dior, Giorgio Armani and way more.

Ever since then I was Australia's Hottest Teen and I was even voted as America's Beauty Icon. Right then, I was in Miami. I just moved there a week ago and I wanted to be normal. So I took up the greatest challenge of all. Yep! I decided I wanted to go to high school. Little did I know that I could have possibly made the biggest mistake of my life. I was patiently waiting for the receptionist to get me my school schedule.

I thought back to what happened before I secretly changed into my current clothes.

"Ebony! What's taking you forever?" my mum shouted from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back as I jogged down the stairs.

"And mum? Please don't call me Ebony. It's Adele, remember?" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

My mother turned around and smiled when she saw what I was wearing. Of course, in front of my mum, I had to be dressed to high class standards. Her eyes traveled me up and down as she took in my black and white ruffle dress with my black pumps.

"I like what you're wearing," she commented.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I walked away. "Bye!" I called out to my mum.

I walked out the door of our new, large house and sure enough, John was there. I smiled.

"Hey, John," I said as I slid into the limo.

"Good morning, Miss Lynx," John, my limo driver, said as he shut the door.

"Just call me Ebony. No wait, Adele. Yeah, I'll be going by Adele now."

"I see. So, you really want to change who you are just to fit in?" John asked as he started the engine.

John knew everything about me. He was much older than me but we were just friends. We told each other everything and I trusted him.

"I don't think you'll understand," I said and looked out the tinted windows.

Just as he was told to, he parked the car 3 blocks away from the school. I told him to not bother with opening the door. I opened it myself and quickly headed to the nearest convenience store. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed into my other clothes, the blue skinnys, black hoodie and black converse, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I snapped out of the earlier memory as I heard the receptionist's voice.

"All done, Adele. Hopefully you'll like it here," she said as she handed me a piece of paper.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I got it and walked out the door. I was already late and didn't want to be in more trouble. I looked at my timetable. I had 11th grade mathematics. My favourite subject *note the sarcasm*.

It took me a while until I found the classroom. Before I entered, I put on my bad ass, can't-touch-this attitude. I messed up my fringe a little and stuck my fingers into my two front pockets. Then I walked into the classroom. Without knocking. Oh, yeah! How's that for rebellious?

"Ahem!" the teacher cleared his throat as I headed towards the back of the classroom.

"Yah?" I asked as I turned around.

"Can I help you?" the teacher asked.

"No, I'm just here to learn. I have right to education, you know," I said.

"Yes, yes, but who are you again?" the teacher asked.

I sighed and walked to the front of the class.

"I'm Adele. Adele Lynx," I said.

Straight away a hand shot up.

"What is it, Mathew?" the teacher asked.

"I was wondering if you're related to Ebony Lynx?" the boy asked me.

"Pfft! As if! A hag like her being related to a goddess like Ebony Lynx?" this blonde boy said and smirked at me.

He had the strongest yet softest blue eyes ever and his dark blonde hair just made him that much more desirable. The boy had the most charming Bristish accent ever. My plain Aussie accent seemed like crap compared to his velvety voi-WHOA! He just called me a hag and I thought he was a hottie? Crap, must be the new extra layers of hair on my head, I thought.

"Ethan, apologise to Adele now, please," the teacher ordered.

"Yeah, when pigs fly," Ethan said as he crossed his arms over his muscular chest. SHIT! Snap out of it!


"It's okay, sir. I understand Ethan is a self-obsessed jerk who's pride has gotten to his big head," I said as I took the only empty seat, which just so happened to be in front of Mr. Egotistical.

"But Adele, you didn't introduce yourself to the class," the teacher said.

"I'd rather not. My name's Adele and that's all you guys need to know," I said as I took out my notebook from my bag, careful no one saw the black pumps.

"Very well, then. I'm Mr. Faultler, by the way," he said.

"Didn't ask," I muttered.

I didn't want to be the nice girl. I had to be the complete opposite of who I usually was.

The teacher seemed angry for just a second but then he shook his head and continued with the lesson. I already knew everything he was going on about. My tutor was one of the best.

I felt a jab on my back, like somoene was poking me. I turned around and saw Ethan glaring at me.

'This isn't over' he mouthed.

I just shrugged and faced the front. He was just a bastard who was up himself. And a hot one too but no way was I going to swoon over him like all the other girls. NO. BLOODY. WAY.


Not the best but it will get better.

Next chapter will be in Ethan's P.O.V *wink*

Btw, I'm not sure about the title.

I might change it...any suggestions?


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