Chapter 6

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Dylan savored the smell of the beach. He arrived in Sta Monica yesterday and had slept like a log after. When he awoke at five am in the morning he decided to jog. He had started from his house to Station One. A good many meters or so. Many things had changed in his birth town. A lot of new beach houses were added. He hadn't had time to go back there and frankly he doesn't want to. It just brought back memories of KC. And besides he and his mom already moved in within the city. His mom still didn't want to sell their piece of land though always saying that this is where she will want to retire to someday. They pay a caretaker to take care of it during the long years he hadn't dared visited it.

When he had returned from jogging to where their house was it was almost sunrise.

Sta Monica was almost deserted. It wasn't summer break. No tourists. He went to sit at the sand and watch the breathtaking view of sunrise. Dylan had spent another minutes of reminiscing before standing up and heading back to his home to change into swim clothes. He was about to go inside when he noticed a familiar face coming out of a service van.

"Mrs Bakers??" he asked tentatively. Mrs Bakers would be sixty by now but still looks agile.

The elderly woman looked up and seem to place him. "Uhm.Isn't that you boy?? Dylan??" she asked.

HE nodded and smiled. He carefully got the bags out of Mrs Bakers and give her a hand in carrying her groceries. Seems like she had gone to the market very early.

"Good gracious you've grown up more handsome young lad. You seldom visited here," the woman continued as they entered the Davidson's beach house. Dylan surveyed it discreetly. A lot has been renovated since he last saw it. New villas where added. He looked up to where KC's room used to be. Does KC still visited here?? he thought. He wanted to ask but he was thinking of a good way how to without sounding like he was asking for information.

"You missed her."

"Excuse me??" Dylan asked a little too loudly. Did he heard Mrs Bakers right?? Is it too obvious??

"I said you just missed her. KC. She was here last week. She just left yesterday." Mrs Bakers had started to heat up and cook what looks like a hearty breakfast so she didn't catch the look of dismay in his eyes.

God. If he had been earlier. If only he had been earlier, they could have bump into each other. Atleast now he knows she's still there. Somewhere. Fates were just not allowing them to cross paths yet.

"What a shame! I mean, its been years till I have last seen her," Dylan mentioned. He had stood up now near Mrs Bakers and was eager for any information she might drop. Jesus. All his search system failed to note that KC Davidson still go back in Sta Monica.

"Years?? Weren't you in the same city as KC?? KC talks about you all the time when she was here. My ears even started to hurt from her mentioning your name."Mrs Bakers added.

Whoa! KC talks about him?? All the time?? Good heavens, Within the same city! His search system is going to waste after he debugged it. He felt his heart swell from knowing that KC still remembers him.

"She showed me a picture of you on a video game magazine. You were with a very pretty lady...." Mrs Bakers continued as she stir the one she was cooking.

Dylan tried to recall when was that. Was it during his launch of "Love game"?? His online pirates of the ocean?? Or

"Does KC visits here often??"

"Mostly during summer. When the tourists were swarming. She asked for her parents permission to open up the beach house for tourists."

By then the breakfast was already cooked. "How about joining me for breakfast??" Mrs Bakers invited.

His stomach grumbled in response. "Sure Mrs Bakers. I missed your cooking."

She smiled genuinely. "I can still clearly remember how you argue with one another when I served your both favorite past time meal."

"Ah spaghetti!" Dylan smiled. KC would always try to finish her meal first so she can still have seconds on Dylan's plate. They ate in silence.

"Mrs Bakers would you mind if I go up and see KC's room?? I just wanted to see if....." his voice trailed off.

"Sure go ahead. I'll go pick up the things she left for laundry anyway."

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