Chapter 11

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"Way to go Harvey!"

Luis grinned as he and his basketball pals gave each other a slapped in the back.

"What did I told you. What Luis wants Luis gets. I admit I had a hard time with Karissa but still, she ended up in my hands," he said smugly. "It will need a little more coaxing but she'll end up in my bed."

"You're the man dude!"

"So how did you do it man!"

"Luck and charm. Thank God, they got into a nice argument with her bestfriend. They were almost inseparable. My ego's bruised by the way she prefers to hang out with that geek. If you ask me, Mitchell was pretty hooked up with her too but just hiding in the guise of friendship.He's dying to get in her skirt."

His friends laughed.

Two doors from them, Dylan muttered a colorful curse. Fucking bastards. Don't lump me with you!!

Just then, the door beside him opened loudly.

"KC! "a girl yelled.Footsteps. Then a slap.

"I will not stand here while you insult my bestfriend! Go to hell Harvey. I will never end up in your bed."


"Hey, I've heard you skipped the last subject from Irene."

KC looked up. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. "Go away Dylan." She muttered.

Dylan stood at her door quietly unmoving. Ofcourse he had heard loud and clear what happened a while ago.

He decided to come closer and sit at the foot of her bed. KC looked away. Her laptop lay open and the photo that was opened on her laptop made his eyes turned to slits.

Dylan grabbed it on her desk and checked. KC grabbed it back and covered it with her hands. "Its not me! It's not me!," she sobbed uncontrollably. The picture was of Luis and KC on a bed naked, with only a piece of blanket covering them. She covered her face again and continued sobbing. "It's not me......I would never........"

Dylan hugged her fiercely. "KC, I believe you." Harvey really was a fucking asshole. He'll kill him for doing this to KC. For resorting to this type.

"I don't know what to do... He had it uploaded on a social site. I don't know where...." She continued desperately. "He just sent it to me via email..... I.... If my parents saw this...." She said tearfully.

"Shhhhhh. KC don't worry, your parents will never see this. I promise you. Now just sit down and let me clear this mess. It will only take minutes."

"Really??" she dared to ask. Hope in her eyes.

"Don't you trust me?? Have I failed you before? " he gave her a reassuring grin. "Now let's teach Harvey a lesson, never to mess with you again."

KC hugged him again. Tightly. " I missed you Dylan. Thank you." she choked.

Dylan hugged her back. "Yeah. I missed you too. You and your lame jokes."

KC smiled and heaved a sighed of relief. Minutes passed. "Hey, Dylan do you like me??"

KC's normal self was back. She usually asks this silly questions on her poor bestfriend.

"Yeah," Dylan answered trying hard not to sound breathless. He focused on what he was doing.

"How much?"

"A little....."

"Just a little??"


"Do you love me??"

"Now where was this heading??" he asked absentmindedly.

"To St.Claire. I want you to spend your birthday with me."

A long silence. St Claire was three hours journey via the train. Now why would KC want to spend it with him on a far place??

"Uhm if you have other plans I understand... If you got a date already.." KC stammered. Was she serious?? All guys are dying to have a date with KC. She's just sticking with him.

Dylan paused for a while and looked at KC. KC was beet red. KC seldom blushed. She's usually the bully between the two of them. She looked cute when she blushes. She looked more human that way Dylan thought. Reachable. Sometimes he had this nagging thought that she was way beyond his reach.

"I don't have a date and you know it." He answered.

"The one at your work??," KC asked.

"Tiffany?? I quitted that day."


"Because my bestfriend told me not to touch her and I don't want her getting mad."

"Some crazy bestfriend," she muttered."If you ask me I think she likes you."

"Tiffany?? Obviously." He growled.

"No. I think your bestfriend likes you. A lot." She countered seriously.

Oookay...... Dylan Breathe. He didn't knew sometimes it hurts to breathe."I don't know.... I don't think so.." he played along. By now he had closed her laptop. It was done. Pictures uploaded removed.

"I mean seriously Dylan...."

"Yeah right. It's done. You can sleep peacefully now KC." KC nodded gratefully and stand. She went to lock her door first then returned.

"Hey Dylan, do you already like someone??"she whispered in his ear.

"KC please stop your prank. I'm going home."

"I mean please it will only take a minute .Answer the question."

"Yeah I like you. I like you bullying me." Call me a masochist.

"Kiss me."

"No fucking way!" He did that ages ago and well they ended up not talking for almost a week.

She grasped his face in her hands, combed his hair with her fingers then stand on a tiptoe.Her face inches from his.

"Enough!" he said catching her hands. "KC?? What's got into you??!"

"I..... I'm sorry," she stammered. She bit her lower lip till blood drip.

"Jesus KC. What are you doing?! Yeah I like you. A lot too. Now if you're not talking to me again, I'll wring your pretty neck." He warned then catch her lips with his. He licked the blood from her lips. Sucked her tongue like candy never letting go. She tasted like some apple. She might have been eating earlier before she saw that picture. He delved deeply into her mouth. Its like an addiction. He couldn't get enough of her. His fingers roamed her smooth back before resting on her bottom ready to carry her. He stopped then looked at her wildly. She was shaking. She's still not ready, he thought.

"I've been madly in love with you from the start KC."

"Well thank God for that. That makes two of us...."

One MONTH Nightstandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें