Chapter 5

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"KC!! Look out!"

Dylan grabbed her hand and shielded his at KC's head just in time that a ball came flying to the hallway.

"Are you okay?? Jesus in heaven KC, don't you ever look where you're going??" Dylan asked irritably pressing his palm which hurt a bit.

A gorgeous hunk of a guy came jogging up to them in the hallway.

"Yo! Mitchell." The guy greeted civilly and looked at the beauty at his side. He whistled."Whoa. I didn't know someone was with Mitchell. Are you allright miss??" the guy asked holding her shoulders.

Dylan gritted inwardly. Asshole. Popular guys were always the assholes. As if they had the right to touch anyone and he meant any girls casually.

KC nodded, carefully shrugged the guys hand and went to hide behind Dylan's back.Dylan couldn't help but smirk..

The guy smiled amusedly. He wasn't used to that kind of reaction."Hey I don't bite. I'm Luis Harvey, captain of the Basketball team. We owned the villa near the Station 1."he introduced himself smugly and lend his hand.

Sta Monica, since it was famous for their white sand beaches had become a tourist spot every summer had been divided into four stations. Each station comes with their own set of beach houses ready to cater every tourist's dream of an unforgettable summer experience.

KC looked at it dubiously. She was still holding Dylan's hand on her other hand like a kid who will be lost if ever she wandered. "I'm Karissa Davidson," she introduced shortly and grip the guy's hand who seem not to let if go if not for KC tugging it back. "Nice meeting you Luis."

"Davidson?" Luis asked as if trying to recall something. " The place at the Station 4??"

When KC nodded, Luis jaw dropped. The Davidsons owned practically the whole of Station 4 and was a private house. Though equipped with a pool and villas, the Davidsons don't prefer to rent it out to tourists.

"Whoa Karissa. We should hang up sometime if you're available," Luis invited and didn't bother to hide the fact that he was very interested..

"I'm not. Available. Sorry. My bestfriend took almost all my time," KC said and smiled. KC wasn't aware that their little chat had gathered a good number of bystanders overhearing every word exchanged. She tugged Dylan's hand again and they started walking. 'See you around Harvey," Dylan said.


"What do you mean by saying that I took almost all your time?? Wasn't it the other way around???" Dylan asked cynically when they were at the Registrar's office. It was KC's first and enrollment day at Sta Monica's only university and it was packed with people enrolling. She had practically begged Dylan to accompany her there.

She grinned sheepishly. "Well I don't want to hang out with him. I just want to play at your computer the remaining summer break." KC was a game addict. Everything that Dylan was playing, she would touch.

A good number of enrollees had began to look at them awestruck. Rephrase. Began to look at KC awestruck.

"Wow! A Davidson enrolling at a state university!"

"Looks like a show off to me." Somebody whispered loudly.

"Hey. Quit judging. Dylan!!"

Dylan looked and saw a familiar face going to where he was. "Irene." He nodded. Dylan was classmates with Irene's big brother.

"Hey why don't you introduce me to your friend??"

"Oh! I'm sorry. This is KC Davidson, KC this is Irene. I practically grew up with his brother."

KC smiled shyly. Eversince she decided to study in Sta Monica for College she hadn't had a single female friend. "Hi. I'm KC Davidson. Dylan's my bestfriend." Dylan faked coughed and give her a nasty look.

"Whoa! Really?? Never knew Dylan had a pretty bestfriend! I'm Lucas, Irene's brother." Irene's brother appeared out of nowhere.

By now their little group had ballooned to a larger one..

"Are you the Davidson who owned the beach house in Station Four??" a friend of Irene asked offhandedly. Irene gasped and looked at her friend trying to catch her eye..

"Yeah." KC replied then an idea came to her mind. "If you want we could all hang out there after enrollment??"

"Are you sure??! I've been dying to see what it looks like from the inside," somebody from Irene's friend gushed out again. They all looked excited. KC looked at Dylan as if asking for his approval.

"It's your house KC not mine," Dylan answered but remembered how Mrs Bakers would react if she knew. Mrs Bakers was the only one who cater to KC's needs in the Davidsons beach house. The rest are security people.

"Okay. It's settled then. See you later." KC said as she headed to the counters window to get her schedule.

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