Chapter 14

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"I just want to wake up next to you."

Dylan Mitchell rarely celebrated his birthday. It just brings back unwanted memories of a past that he's trying very hard to forget. It was Xylin's idea to call his birthday meet up's. Being the owner of a big company he couldn't very well skipped the formalities that comes along with his birthday. His employees yearly prepared something for him eventhough he specifically stated that he hates surprises. Surprises are pain in the ass.

He sipped from his wine glass. One hour to go and his "gamers meet up" is about to start. He groaned at the thought of mingling in the crowd. Crowds were mixed. Some were really his competitors under their chosen disguises. He forgot to ask Xylin if she had invited all his girlfriends there. Well he don't give a damn.

Will she come?? KC.

He didn't got a reply on his email. Well it's worth a try.

Mitchell Unlimited parking space was swarming with sports cars. Typically gamers crowd ideally owned a sports car one way or another. The gamers meet up was happening at the 10th floor of the company's building. It has hosted it's gamers meet up successfully for four years in a row now. It was one event where it's a dream come true for a passionate game lover to get to be invited.

Lucas scanned the crowd and grimaced. He spotted Xylin behind the registration table and started towards her.

"Xy. I thought only a hundred??" he gestured towards the crowd who was now almost close to a thousand.

"Most of them are our employees don't worry," but looking at Xylin she looks not so happy too.

"Dylan will have a fit when he sees this. What time was he coming down anyway? His girlfriends are all pressing me." Lucas muttered as he carefully avoided another brunette who was scanning the crowd.

It was already nine pm and the guests continued to arrive still.

There was a hushed and people stopped momentarily to gaze. Dylan Mitchell had that effect on people. He looked every inch of a powerful man, someone who had worked really hard to be on the top and wants to remain there. He sports his hair unkempt and don't bother to gel it because he usually rakes his hand on his hair a lot. Girls meanwhile tend to have all this idea to be the one whose fingers will run in them. He was physically well built and underneath his casual polo, he sport a nice abs due to work outs, a sight to be seen. He never fails to caught a girls attention when he was tanning at a beach during his free time. He got strong facial features. His jaw looks like it had been sculpted to perfection, his eyes alone can make your heart flutter and his mouth looks like it was made to be tasted.

Dylan scanned the crowd and spotted Lucas.He started moving towards him.

"What took you so long? It was supposed to be your birthday not mine," Lucas joked slapping his friends back.

"It's a gamer's meet up not a birthday party," Dylan corrected. Some waiter passed by and offered them drinks.

"You better start mingling dude. Your girlfriends are waiting."

Okay. Let's play this well so we can finish early, he thought as he headed to the punch stand to greet his visitors.

He was downing his fifth gin tonic when he saw "her".

He saw her as soon as she stepped inside his "turf". " She had taken the bait." He thought. Well he did sent that invitation, but he didn't expected her to come.

She was alone. Looked vulnerable. And heaven help him still looked the same as she did last eight years ago. Looked STUNNING. She looked like she hadn't age a day. She was wearing a simple halter dress that emphasize her slender shoulders, her narrow waist. Her hair fall in loose fine straight strands. He could almost smell its fine flower scent. HE could almost remember its silky strands.

She caught his eyes raking her and held his for a moment before starting to move towards him. She wasn't wearing contacts this time and her blue eyes looked at him like a warm sky.

"Dylan. Thanks for the invitation," she said shyly when she was a foot from him. His friends which was circled around him stopped to looked at her and regarded her appreciatively.

"I'm sorry but do we know each other?"

His girlfriends laughed at his remark. Relief flooded them knowing that she wasn't a competition.

Her jaw dropped and tighten. She looked confused for a moment. Then regained her composure easily. Her regal features now in place. "I'm sorry, I think I have attended a wrong party." She turned to leave without a backward glance.

He glowered. He hadn't thought she'd give up that easily. It was not her nature. She really doesn't have something to say to him after all these years?? Hell even a simple sorry will do. Sorry I played with your feelings.

She was at the exit door when he caught up with her.

"KC," he called.

She smirked painfully. "It's Karissa Cassiopea for you." She answered back while tossing a box. Jesus. And here he was thinking she had changed. KC you can never bully me anymore. I was so guillible then but now I learned the hard way.

He held her gaze. A key was inside the box. Happy birthday Dylan.

He smirked back. Give her a salute of goodbye then muttered. "Okay. You want to play again. Let's play This time my RULES."

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