Chapter 3

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Dylan Mitchell can clearly remember the first time when he accidentally met her. KC. She was young then. And a promising beauty. The Davidsons owned the biggest beach house in Sta Monica so it's not impossible for him not to know her. Their family spent their yearly summer vacation there in Sta Monica with its white pristine sand beach. According to his mother, the Davidsons lived in the city of Dreams, got a rich and luxurious life and seldom talked to people. In other words snobs. His mother forbid him to come near their territory.

The Mitchell's house was situated beside theirs. His mother once told him that the Davidsons had tried hard to buy off their land but his mom wouldn't hear any of it. She wouldn't think of trading the thing even if the price was too much for a place she considered home. Naturally even if his mom vehemently prohibited him to wander off in their territory, he found himself doing just the opposite. He was curious. He found the life of the rich, fascinating and sometimes he wish he could give that same luxurious life his mother so deserved.

The first time he met KC, he had held her in his arms. He had seen her slender form. He had accidentally seen her bare belly. The first time was when he had saved her from drowning. Atleast that was what he thought. It was ages ago and yet it was one of unforgettable moments of his life.

Somebody was shouting. And coughing.

"Heeeeeeelpp!! Moooom!!" Someone was wading in and out of the water. Dylan had seen it already from a distance but it took him a minute to know that it was a kid. A little younger than him.

"Mooom!! Daaaaaaddy! Help! Caaaaaaaaaleb. Anyone. Pls help me." The next time that her head came up, Dylan realize it was a girl.

He jumped on instinct. Swam the distance rapidly and pulled her out of the water. The first time he held her, her eyes were closed and he had marveled how long her lashes were. She looked like a doll, with her porcelain skin and long hair. Wow! He whistled. When his sanity returned, he immediately put his head at her chest searching for her heartbeat. He wondered if she needed a resuscitation and resisted the urge. But her eyes wasn't opening up. He was about to do the CPR when her eyes opened and his gaze lock with the coolest blue eyes he had ever seen. Her hand was around his neck.

"Got you!" and she burst out laughing.

Shit! The rich brat girl had just pulled a prank??! And he was the victim.

"Jesus! Didn't your parents ever taught you not to pulled pranks like that?!!" he exclaimed angrily as he removed her hands on his neck. Dylan muttered another imprintable curse. And he was so scared shitty too.

"Hey." The rich brat yelled. He run fast. Escaping the scene. He had made a fool of himself. And to think he had admired the girl . What kind of mentality do the rich have??

The girl run too and boy was she fast. Like she was used to running too. And she had caught with him and pulled his shoulder hard. She got a strong grip.

"Hey yourself." He muttered.

"I..... I'm KC," she smiled. "What's your name??"

"I'm.... I'm Dylan," he answered lousily and get her outstretched hand. They shook.

"Dylan?" she asked as if testing his name on her lips. He waited for her to continue.

"I think I will going to like you.,... very much," she giggled then left him there gaping at her retreating back.

Crap.Are all the rich people crazy too?? But he really liked what she said a while ago......    

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