Chapter 16

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"Hey! Hey!" Karissa Cassiopeia yelled loudly as soon as she saw someone emerging from the sidewalk. She had been stucked on that particular tree for hours. How can she climb the tree easily and cannot go down just as simply??

A boy looked up and recognition dawned on his eyes.

Uh oh!! The cute boy she had pulled the prank on the beach a while ago. Dylan.

"What are you doing up there? That's trespassing," he said.

"Uh.. Help me down please. Dylan...."

"I am not buying that anymore." He smirked and turned his back leaving her stuck there.

What the hell??! KC thought sourly. She was not used to being ignored by the opposite sex. All the boys surrounding her treats her as their princess...Her brother, her cousins, her friends. She thought fast. "Ouch," she cried loudly as she deliberately grazed her arm on the tree trunk. It turned a nasty shade of red. It truly hurts.Her cry wasn't fake.

Dylan stopped walking but didn't turned to look. Uh oh. It wouldn't be effective if he didn't saw her injured. "Please Dylan. I am really stuck. Help me down."

Dylan turned and caught sight of her arm. He went back but still made no move to help her. "What are you doing there in the first place?? That's our house and that's my tree and you're trespassing!" he said drilly.

"I.. I was searching where you live and I saw your shirt hanging there on the room so I climbed up to check..." KC explained.

Dylan shook his head. He looked like he didn't bought her excuse but that's the truth. She changed her wet clothes after that episode on the beach and after that she went back to the spot where she last saw him but Dylan was already nowhere to be found. She passed by their house on the way back and noticed his shirt hanging on the window sill.

Dylan seemed to think for a moment then shook his head. "Sorry you got there on your own, go down on your own too." Dylan turned his back again and decided not to help her!! That boy was getting back at her!! KC refused to lose. She got her PSP on her back pocket of her jeans. "Dylan!!"

Dylan turned oblivious.


Dylan cursed. "HOLY SHIT!" as he tried to catch the Playstation Portable. Heaven forbid if he didn't caught it on time. He can't afford to pay for this.

When KC saw that he caught her "most prized possession" in his hand she prepared to jump. It was a little high about 9-10 ft high but she can. She's a gymnast anyway. She can work the bars but KC didn't know if a tree trunk will stay stable on her weight. She grabbed on the tree trunk for dear life and pretended to jump down. Only the tree trunk snapped and she did fall.

Dylan with the quick reflexes had seen what she was about to do. He have immediately put down the PSP and tried to cushion his body for her fall. He caught her but he lost his balance too.

KC grinned. So his kind nature couldn't resist her?? "You caught me.." she breathed.

"Jesus! You're so heavy get off me you crazy girl!" he exploded as he tried to stand up from their awkward position, her pressing him to the ground. They stood up and Dylan pretended to shake off the remaining dirt from his pants.He stole a glance at her and saw her biting her lip, her arm was bleeding.

"I... Thank you for catching me...." KC stammered. Sure she pulled that drowning prank a while ago but this time was no prank. Her injured arm was literally swollen. She might have shielded her wrong arm when she had fallen. She turned to go.

"Hey wait! You forgot your PSP." Dylan added.

KC continued to run holding her bleeding arm eventhough she heard him.

"KC!! Wait!! " Dylan shouted catching her other arm. KC stopped. She was about to cry. She knew she'll be grounded if her parents or brother found out about her mishap again. They would never let her out of their house for the remaining summer break.

KC hugged him. Dylan was surprised about the gesture.

"Hey what is it??" Dylan said gently.

"I....." and KC burst out crying.

"Hey! Stop crying for heaven sake. Come on inside I'll treat your wounds." Dylan said as he bended on his knees and offered his back. "I'll carry you KC."


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