The God Complex (Taekook) - Room 4

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an: mild smut scene

"You're almost at the end, jagiya." Taehyung cheered. Now that Jungkook was armed with the knowledge that he was Taehyung's boyfriend, the false Taehyung had started calling him pet names. The false Taehyung was acting more like his real life counterpart, as per his interfaces' instructions. However, the younger didn't notice at all since he didn't know what a game moderator was supposed to act like.

"Only three more rooms right?" Jungkook smiled.

"You can do this, kid. I'm rooting for you!" Taehyung held up a fist. "What did you and Taehyung do for Valentines Day?" The smiling boy disappeared and Jungkook was left with confusion evident on his face. What's Valentines Day? It sounded it must be pretty important.

As per usual the left door shone, and Jungkook looked through the window. He saw himself and Taehyung, but Taehyung was holding Jungkook in the air. Taehyung's hair was a bright orange, and it came as a surprise to the younger. It was so orange, in fact, that Jungkook couldn't remember if he saw anything more orange than Taehyung's hair was at this very moment. Aside from his shockingly orange hair, Jungkook looked closer and saw that the two were kissing. His face turned a bright pink, and he simultaneously wanted to look away and keep watching. Taehyung was walking towards a bedroom door, in an apartment that Jungkook assumed was his own.

The memory started moving and Taehyungs leg lifted.

*smut start*

The door was pushed open by Taehyung's foot as neither of the boys had a free hand. They kissed each other as if their lives depended on it, as if they needed each other. "Hyung..." Jungkook moaned as Taehyung pulled off the youngers shirt, exposing his skin to the cold air of the bedroom. The elder pinched and twisted the younger's nipples before pushing him backwards. Jungkook felt his back hit something plush, and could only assume it was a bed. When Taehyung leant down to kiss him again, Jungkook immediately rolled Taehyung over, so that the younger was on top.

"You didn't think I'd give in easily, did you?" Jungkook whispered into Taehyung's ear, afterwards biting on the earlobe and putting his finger on top of Taehyung's lips. The elder took the finger into his mouth and swirled his tongue over it.

"Mmph" Jungkook bit his lip as Taehyung kissed and sucked on Jungkooks index finger. The younger then travelled down to his neck and bit it.

"Ah!" came the yelp of the elder Taehyung, who then rolled Jungkook over so that the elder was back on top. "What do you think you're doing, huh?" Taehyung licked his lips. "Biting people like that, aren't you a naughty boy?" Taehyung then kissed Jungkook's jaw, soon travelling down to his neck.

The younger's back arched as Taehyung sucked on his collarbone"A-ah!" Taehyung smiled and licked the newly-formed bruise, afterwards giving It a revenge bite. He then sat up and took off his shirt before leaning back down to kiss a trail down Jungkooks abomen. The youngers breath hitched as he saw Taehyung undo the belt of his jeans and slide them down his legs, bringing Jungkooks boxers with it. Feeling embarrassed, Jungkook immediately tried to hide himself, but Taehyung held the youngers wrists above his head.

"Jungkookie, why would you hide yourself?" Taehyung whispered into the younger's neck "There's nothing to be afraid of."

*smut end*

The memory faded to black and Jungkook stumbled away from the door. What was that? What were they doing? It made him feel funny... but he liked it. Is that was valentine's day was for? Doing things like that? ...He could get behind this idea.

The other door shone and Jungkook smacked his face a few times to get rid of any lingering thoughts. Were they going to do that thing again? He secretly hoped they did, but knew it would make choosing impossibly difficult.

He walked to the other door and saw himself in a beanie and a large white t-shirt. Did he have a thing for large white shirts? The Jungkook in the memory also wore faded blue jeans and timberland's.


What wasn't nice was this Jungkooks expression. He looked like he just saw something he didn't want to see. Something that shattered his heart into pieces. What that thing was, the real Jungkook couldn't tell. He urged the memory to move so he could find out what was going on, and it obeyed his command. Instead of showing what the younger was looking at, the memory version of Jungkook quickly turned around and ran away.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung called as the younger ran away. Typical, he didn't even call Jungkook by his nickname. It didn't matter, the younger just kept running.

"Go away!" Jungkook yelled as he ran faster. He didn't want anything to do with Taehyung. He just wanted to run away. Run and never see Kim Taehyung again.

"Oh? Taehyungie oppa, what happened? Who was that?" Jungkook heard the girl despite his heart pumping in his ears.

"'s nothing... go back inside."

Tears streamed down Jungkooks face. Stupid Taehyung. That stupid girl. They belonged with each other. They're both stupid, stupid, stupid! Jungkook's lungs burned and he felt like screaming. "I should have known. I shouldn't have ever decided to date him!" Taehyung cheated. He lied. He said he'd love Jungkook forever but that bastard cheated.

The memory faded to black and Jungkook ran away from the door. The pain that the Jungkook in that memory felt was enough to make the real Jungkook tear up, and he didn't even actually remember Taehyung at all! With his eyes red, he ran through the left door, not even pausing until he was well into the room.

The door closed behind him and Jungkook pleaded for this to be the correct room. It lit up with a dazzling white light, and Taehyung stood in the middle.

"Tae Tae hyung!" Jungkook smiled, so happy he collapsed to his knees. So he passed, it wasn't true. Taehyung still liked him. Jungkook didn't know why he needed the admiration of a man he barely knew, but knowing that Taehyung still liked him feel warm inside and gave him a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm proud of you, jagiya. You're so close! Look." Taehyung pointed to his right and Jungkook saw a red-faced Jungkook walking home. The real Jungkook didn't know where he was, but the road looked empty and abandoned. The image cracked and shattered, and Jungkook was happy to be rid of it.

The rest of the true memory appeared before Jungkook, and the boy's eyes widened as he saw the rest of the things the couple did that night. The two also said "I Love You" to each other. Jungkook didn't quite know what this meant, but he was happy to hear it anyway.

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