The Princess's Royal Birthday Celebration!

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Okay, pretend this wasn't a day AFTER Jins actual birthday.
I mean it's still the fourth here, so I'm not actually late, right?
(I had a problem getting the drawing to my phone. That's why I'm a little later.)

"Your royal highness demands for a cookie!" The birthday boy called.
Jin and I sat in the living room playing Super Mario 3D World with Taehyung and Namjoon.
I was Luigi, Namjoon was Mario, Taehyung was Toad, and Jin of course was Princess Peach.
For his birthday, we decided to let him be royalty and actually listen to him for once.

"Wah! Hyung!"
A voice yelled from the kitchen.
"Here you go, your majesty."
Jungkook fell at Jins feet, Yoongi smiling before him.
"Your cookie."

"Too bad he's not edible." Jin sighed.
"Actually he is eatable, Princes. However, that is called cannibalism, and that is in fact frowned upon in most societies." I corrected.

"You've been watching too much 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'" Jimin said. He decided to sit this one out since it looked like a difficult level.

I gasped and held my chest. "There is never too much Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Only the Jamless would say something like that!"

"I'm fine, you know." Jungkook said as he sat up and rubbed his head.

"Why do I have to be the one to do all the work while you guys play games?"Yoongi complained.

"Because after Jin, you're the eldest. Duh." Namjoon said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah and you're the leader. Why aren't you doing work?"

"I am doing work! Have you tried playing with these guys? They're savages! They keep throwing me off the cliff!"

"Actually," Taehyung pointed out. "You keep falling off on your own. I only pushed you off once."

"You still pushed me off."

"You were taking a long time. What were we supposed to do? Politely wait?" Jin said.

"Yeah?? That would've been nice."

"But why go the nice route when pushing you off is so much easier?" Tae added.

"Mario is one of the fastest characters in the game. If even Peach is going faster than you - and that one is in a floor length dress and heels - there's a problem." I informed.

"When can we eat cake?" Jungkook asked.

"Hold on, I'm still making it!" Yoongi called from the kitchen, then I heard a quiet "oil? In cake?? Who does that??"

I laughed to myself, and the rest of us continued the quest.

Once we won, the two with the lowest points had to give up their wiimote. With the exception of Jin, of course. He never has to give up the controller.

Namjoon was 4th, so Jimin took his controller; and I was third, (It's hard with Luigi, okay?) so I gave my controller to Jungkook and sat beside Namjoon. Taehyung cheered the entire time about getting first place.

"Let's do a boss stage!" The kid cheered once he got the wiimote.

"A boss stage? Do you have a death wish?" Jimin gasped. Apparently he didn't like the idea.

"Aw come on, we haven't done a boss stage in so long!" Jungkook whined. You don't have anymore Aegyo, kid. Puberty smacked it away.

"We really haven't, Princess." Taehyung whined as well.

Attack of the TaeKook!
Run for your lives!

"Okay okay, just one boss level."

"I can't believe I have to sit out for this one." I muttered.

"You shouldn't have gotten third then." Namjoon poked at me.
"You can shush, Mr. Fourth Place."

"Ouch, my heart."


"HA! First place baby! Royalty wins back the crown!"
Jin cheered.
"You got lucky, Luigi is slower than you." Jungkook sighed as he looked at the rankings.
Peach was 1st.
Toad was 2nd.
Luigi was 3rd
Mario was 4th.

"You three should've been paying more attention, cause who got all those green stars?" Jin laughed again as the three losers frowned.

We all snapped our heads toward the kitchen, in which Yoongi stood in the doorway of.

"I put the cake in the oven!" Yoongi smiled.

"What was that?"
"Is he trying to be cute?"
"Yoongi, you didn't hit yourself did you?"
"He probably has a concussion..."

"It took you this long to make the cake?" I asked.

"Because I decided to not put oil in it and I put in other things too. It's truly a masterpiece."


The cake came out of the oven, and no one even wanted to wait for frosting.

We all sang happy birthday to Jin, and then dug in.

However, upon trying a bite, we all simultaneously froze.

"It's good right?" Yoongi asked, smiling.

"'s delicious!"
"Yeah, really! You are such a good cook!"
"Th-this is the best cake I ever had!"
We laughed nervously, but inside we were all saying the same thing.

My poor tastebuds....

We all finished our slices, with the hauntingly high probability that we would spend tomorrow in the bathroom.

"Let's do presents!" Jin clapped. He's a very good actor, you almost can't tell he just ate the food version of death.

We all went to the living room again, this time grabbing our presents we left there before sitting down.

"Do mine first, your majesty!" I said, shoving the present into his hands.

In it was a drawing of Jin with a crown, and several Mario goodies.

"Woah! These are great, thank you!"

"Anything for his Majesty~"


Authors Note

Going along with the "pretending I'm really not late" concept:
Happy (belated?) birthday, Jinnie!
Even though you're a little overlooked sometimes, BTS wouldn't be the same without you in it!
We love you a lot, remember that okay?
Spend today happily, and eat plenty of delicious food!

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