Birthday Wishes (V)

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Guys! It's my birthday today!



*endless amounts of good food that mom made*

Since it's my birthday, I wanted to use my name in it (Or my nickname) Sound good?

All right here I go!

P.S: This is gonna be a lot longer than the other ones, and I'm trying my best here to not make it sappy. So there's going to be very little romance. Just a hangout with friends and stuff, yeah?

"Ally!" I felt a weight jump on me.

"Nngh...get off..." I grumbled, trying to kick whoever it was away in my state of being half-awake.

"Ally, get up!" The weight started to shake my shoulder.

"No...I'm trying to sleep..." I turned onto my side

"Then do you want to miss your birthday, lazy?"

"My what?" I opened an eye and squinted against the sun

"Your birthday! Come on, Bunni (A/N: I'm literally called that because of my puffy cheeks and bunny teeth)

You only have a birthday once a year!"

"Really...? I thought they occurred multiple times a year, I thought I had one last week actually." Even in my tired state I could come up with a sarcastic comment. #2Sassy4Me

TaeTae hit me with a pillow. "Come on, go wash up. I made you breakfast."

"Okay okay! I'm up!"

After brushing my teeth in the bathroom, I walked down to the kitchen, where he laid out different plates of...everything.

"Look! I made you seaweed soup too!"

Seaweed soup? ...luckily I grew up on an island, so eating seaweed isn't a completely new thing to me.

Thanking him, I sat down and tried the soup. It tastes like death...

I struggled to swallow it, not wanting Taehyung to be upset that I didn't like it.

"Is it good? Do you like it?" He asked excitedly.

"Mhmm!~" I can't open my mouth, foul words might come out instead. Ah, my tastebuds...

He didn't look convinced, and tried some of the soup himself. His face immediately contorted "Liar!" He said "This tastes like piss!"

I laughed "Oops?"

He sighed "Let's just go out today, go change and I'll call the guys."

I nodded, ran upstairs and checked my closet. I didn't really have anything fancy, dressing up wasn't really my style. So I pulled out some jeans and a blue shirt. I also put on some black converse, stole Tae's hoodie and ran downstairs.

"Hey! The rest of the boys said they could come with us. So let's just chill here until they arrive."

I plopped down on the couch beside Tae "Kay."

As soon as my bum hit the cushion, the bell rang. "Aish, back up I go then." I said, standing up.

I opened the door and was met with a pile of hugs "Ally!"


"You're getting so old!"

"Look at you, you still look like a baby!"

BTS One Shots?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora