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Kim Namjoon was busy pouring himself a soda. When he poured in the ice, he looked at his cherry lollipop and smiled before putting it in the cup as well. After all, Cherry Coke is the best flavor.
Once he was satisfied with the drink, he decided to sip the Coca-Cola while walking down the railroad. Birds called over head, flying to a place that no one knew.
"All these carts look that damn same." He mumbled to himself.
He knew their favorite spot was in the first row of blue train carts, in the 10th cart down, but did it have to be that one specifically?

He threw his almost empty cup on the ground, and then reached his destination. He knocked on it.
No answer.
"Forget this." He said and pulled open the door. Immediately upon hauling open the door he was greeted with loud music and cheering. A smiling orange haired kid pulled him inside and shoved a drink in his hand. "Drink this hyung!" The kid yelled over the music. "Jimin what-" Namjoon was going to ask what is was, when Jimin was already being pulled away by Yoongi.
Forgetting his question, Namjoon shrugged and downed the cup, a familiar burning feeling making him cough. It was alcohol.
Darts flew across their makeshift "living room" as Jimin and Yoongi tried to beat each other in a contest.
Jin was pushed against a wall  while Taehyung and Namjoon spray painted  him.
"Hey! This was my good shirt!" Jin scolded. "I'm gonna get you for this!"
Taehyung and Namjoon looked at each other before running around the trailer as Jim chased them. They jumped over Hoseok pushing Jungkook on a skateboard in the hallway, and skillfully avoided Yoongi and Jimins darts. Eventually Jin tired out and settled for catching them later.
"How are you guys so fit?"
"We don't have a drivers license like you do, hyung." Taehyung grinned.

"You cheated!" Jimin argued.
"Me? Cheat? Get real pissbaby." Yoongi shrugged. Jimin accused that Yoongi had pushed him while he was throwing and the dart went flying off to the side. "The eastern winds are just not in your favor today."
"The eastern winds are gonna put my foot up your ass."
Yoongi gasped "Language!"
Jimin grabbed a pillow and smacked Yoongi in the face with a pillow, and immediately everyone started fighting.
Hoseok and Jungkook sneak attacked Taehyung and Jimin, their pillows exploding into soft feathers upon impact.
Namjoon at one point hit Hoseok with such force, he almost fell.

The room was now blanketed in white. Every pillow exploded and the boys laid on the floor, exhausted.
"We need new pillows" Jin panted. "Get in the truck, we'll go get some."

The boys obliged, with Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi  in front and the rest in the back.the wind whipped through their hair as they drove off to the market.

"Look, it's a tunnel." Jungkook pointed towards a dark tunnel, and the boys all heard the numerous honking horns.
"Ugh, is it rush hour?" Yoongi groaned. "Look at those people, I hate those kinds."
"What kind are they?" Jungkook wasn't sure what Yoongi meant.
"They are the kind of people that live every day kissing up to someone else's asshole. They work a 9-5 job doing whatever-the-hell-they-do with a fake smile plastered on their face. Those kinds of people waste their life away for some stupid ass paycheck."

Taehyung stuck his head into the little window that they've been using to communicate with the hyungs. "We have spray paint back here. And some unidentifiable liquid." He paused for a second, before looking at the driver "Jin hyung, can we take a detour?" Jin already knew what the younger wanted, and veered into the tunnel. He stopped horizontally, so no one could drive past the truck.

Horns honked furiously, and the boys got out of the truck. They gathered their weapons and yelled as they ran towards the cars. They spray painted the cars and threw liquid at its drivers.
"Your life is so boring" Yoongi chuckled and spray painted a windshield
"Here, you smell like your bosses ass." Jungkook threw water on a middle aged driver who was loosing his hair.

They had almost hit ever car before Jin honked his horn. The boys looked up, and Jin made a sign to go.
Yoongi threw an empty cup at one of the drivers and all 6 boys ran off with Jin trailing behind them.
Jungkook, as the fastest runner, was ahead of the group, and he was the first to feel the sunshine.
Once they were all out of the tunnel, they got in the truck and, after deciding to take pictures in a photobooth, drove away laughing.

BTS One Shots?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora