4. Bully

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Kids don’t talk to me.     (Especially since the Brian thingy)

I'm used to that.

The teacher misses my hand a lot.   (Maybe Ms.Peer has seeing problems?)

I guess I can deal with that.

But there's one thing I SUPER hate bout school

And that hate is named Kate...

She thinks she's better than me

Just ‘cause she's nine and I'm still eight.

She makes fun of my hair bands

And says they're dumb

Even though two other girls

Have on the same one.

Why she picks on me?

 I do not know...

I wish she would just leave me alone.

I tried to tell my teacher

More than a few times.

But then Kate acts so innocent

You'd think that she shined.

Day by day, Kate is really mean.

Today she made sure I was the last one picked on her team.

Almost every day she has something to say.

Some day's I can avoid her, other days she gets in my way.

"You’re a ghost! You need some sun!"

"What kind of name is Amaris? It sounds dumb!"

“You don’t have Barbies? Are you poor?"

"You’re clumsy! You should just be best friends with the floor!"

Day by day

 It goes on this way.

I ignore her

Or stick my tongue at her

Or give her an evil eye.

I'll do anything

But let her see me cry.

The next day she's extremely annoying.

 She says I stole her new watch.   (There's no way I stole that thing- it’s a My little pony watch…)

She goes around telling people I stole her watch.

That I’m no good.

That ‘cause I did it, is why I won’t talk.

But the truth is I don’t respond ‘cause I'm just tired of it all.

I feel like I've walked 30 laps around the shopping mall.

My classmates whisper

In each other’s ears.

Kids start giving me looks

Kate gives me a menacing sneer.

And then my heart picks up pace,

My face burns as if it’s on fire.

I said I would avoid this anger feeling...

I guess that I'm a liar...

I march,

 Straight up to Kate

 And tell her I didn’t steal her dumb thing.

And that stupid Pony watches,

 Aren’t my types of thing.

I tell her she's stupid

And probably lost it on her own.

If she really wants to find it

She should probably look at home.

I tell her I'm tired of her stupid jeers.

And that when she looks at me she should feel fear.

Cause if she dares one more time say I'm weird and dull

I swear to God I'll crack her skull.

Kate and everyone else back up fast

And look at me wide mouthed with fear.

I look down and see the shadow

 Of good ol' Ms. Peer.

She looks at me mean tapping her foot.

But I'm not done feeling hot.

 My hearts still going speedy quick.

With Ms. Peer I'll share some thoughts!

So I tell Ms. Peer she’s stupid too!

That Kate always bothers me

Yet stop Kate, is what she doesn’t do.

"Teachers are supposed to be there for you when you feel real low!

You don’t do any of that! Instead you’re just a lazy hoe!"

I'm not sure of what a hoe is

But Dad said don’t say it, so it must be nice and bad.

I guess I was right, since Ms.Peer looks super mad.

But I'm not scared,

 Instead I feel angry yet chill.

So I walk out of the classroom,

After calling Ms. Peer Cruella de Vil.

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