The Prank

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Ashley's POV

The whole Cricket Team was having lunch together which means i was there too.
I was eating my dessert when Shikhar decided to make things awkward "Hey Ashu, you tied me a rakhi but you forgot Virat" i glanced at Virat and he was red. "Uhm..i must have forgotten" i said awkwardly. He had a point. Why didn't i tie Virat a rakhi?

I was taking care of Mahi bhai's shoulders when Virat came in. "Hey Vee, what can i do for you?" I asked happily. Mahi bhai frowned zt Virat. "Uhm..nothing actually, i bought you freshly made jalebis. They are still warm" he smiled. "Mahi bhai, do you mind?" I asked.
"Not at all, i can wait" he smiled. I ate jalebis with Virat and we cracked some jokes. I offered Mahi bhai some jalebis but he was strict to his diet.
I washed my hands and continued woth Mahi bhai's shoulder research. Virat had left by now. "Do you like him?" Mahi bhai asked out of the blue. "Like who?" I asked dumbfounded.
"Virat ofcourse" he said. "Yeah of course i like him, he is my best friend"
"No i mean as in like like" he explained.
" bhai. I'm taking a break from this relationship thing. But no, i don't like him like that. I mean he is a great guy but i don't like him in that way" i explained.

Mahi Bhai's POV

"I even asked Ashely about it but she said she is not getting in a realtionship for a while." I told the boys. We all think that Ashley and Virat were a couple.
"I can clearly see that Virat loves her" Shikhar said. "I know it's so obvious" Raina continued.
"How can it be that she doesn't love him?" Jaddu asked. "There are a few options. 1. She is hiding her feelings. 2) She doesn't love him or 3) She doesn't know she loves him" Rohit explained like an expert.
"We'll ask Virat about this" i paused "You know Ashley fixed my shoulder just in minutes. I don't know how she does that. Shikhar when you said about kala jadoo. I'm starting to think that Ashely is a wizard. I mean she had an obsession woth Harry Potter. She is always reading Harry Potter books. She even owns a wand and costume of Harry Potter. And guess what! She went to the Wizarding World Of Harry Potter" i joked. But i could see Shikhar's shocked face turning into an evil one.
"Shikhar..what are you thinking?" I asked.
"Let's prank Ashley" he said standing up.

Oh dear, this can't be good.

Ashley's POV

I was eating ice cream when i got a message from Shikhar "Ashu, need you in my room. Emergency. ASAP!" I rushed to his room still eating my ice cream.
I knocked on his door but nobody opened it.
To my surprise the door was unlocked so i went inside. "Shikhar bhai? Are you in here?" I asked walking further into his room. It was pitch black inside. I sighed and turned to the door and it was locked. "Bhai open the door!" I shouted. "Let me out na bhai! I know it's you" i shouted again. Suddenly a few mini-lights turned on. I could see Yuvi bhai, Shikhar bhai, Mahi bhai, Rohit, Jaddu, Raina, Ashwin and Ajinkya."Guys, what is this?" I asked when i sew they had all kinds of feathers.
Shikhar nodded at Mahi bhai and he pulled a rope from under the bed and walked towards me i ran as fast as i could towards the door letting my ice cream fall. I still had my phone. I turned to the bathroom and locked it from the inside so i called Virat. He picked up on the second ring. "Thank god you picked up, listen your mates are trying to kill me kn Shikhars room!" Come fast or i'll die!" I shouted. "What?" He asked. "I'm getting raped by your team mates help me!" I shouted and the line went dead.
The guys were pushing the door so they could come in and well..they succeeded. They tied me with that rope and Rohit started reading some mantras. What was going in here?
"Guys, what are you doing!" I asked annoyed.
"Removing all the kala jadoo in you" Ashwin calmly replied. "Are you guys nuts?! I'm not a witch! You guys have gone mad! Aur Mahi Bhai aap bhi?!" I shouted. "Dekha? How she gets angry when we want to remove it?" Rohit asked. "Go to hell Rohit!" I shouted now very angry. Just then Virat came in.

Virat's POV

I ran to Shikhar's room and opened the door.
The first thing i saw was Ashley tied on a chair, mini-light everywhere. Candles lit in every corner and feathers of all kind of birds in the boys' hands. "Guys what the hell is going on?" I asked while freeing Ashely who looked verg angry. "Cheeku we were removing black magic" Shikhar told me. "But it was supposed to be a prank" he continued.
"A prank? Arrey pagal ho kya? Dimaag thikane hai tum sab ka? This is not funny to me" Ashley shouted. She was about to hit Shikhar when i held her back by holding her waist. She was strong but i was stronger. "Teri to! Idhar aa ab. Tu nahi sudhre ga Shikhar!" Ashley continued. "Calm down Ashley" i said. "Calm down? How can i calm down? I thought these idiots were about to rape me!" She shouted getting even more angry. "And Mahi Bhai was in it too!" She shouted wanting to grab Mahi bhai. I had to carry her back to her room to calm her down.
Eventually she did and fell asleep in my arms.

Ashley's POV

We were headed to Kolkata today. I still didn't say a word to the boys. Mahi bhai looked really guilty so i decided to forgive him and the rest had earned the silent treatment. I was talking to Virat the entire trip.

I was sitting in my hotel room when i heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see all the idiots who pranked me standing there with tears in their eyes. "We're sorry Ashu" Shikhar started. "That was a very stupid prank indeed" Rohit continued. "We can't stand the silent treatment Ashley" Ashwin answered.
"I'm a big fan of pranks too boys but this was very stupid. I forgive you guys if i can get a group hug!" I shouted the last part.

Everyone was in my room doing something. Some were playing video games on my tv. Some watching a movie on my laptop. Some were talking and then i heard another knock on the door and it was Virat. I smiled at him and gave him a tight hug. Vee and i decided that we were very tired so i went to sleep. Virat was too tired to move so he slept in my bed.

By now the whole team had left except Virat and me

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By now the whole team had left except Virat and me.

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