Chapter 29

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"The nearest facility is just a few miles away," Lili said.

"Is it really a good idea to fight them? Especially since we don't even have the cure now?" Guilherme asked.

"I actually do have it. Sorry about the confusion earlier," I said pulling it out of my pocket and showing it to everyone. I didn't bother telling them our speculation on why it had disappeared the way it did.

He rose his eyebrows in surprise. Jake furrowed his together as he looked at it. I noticed Izzy standing in the background. Dark bags were beginning to form under her eyes. I noticed her lips looked a little paler than normal. Her fingers were dis colored just enough for me to noticed they looked different.

She caught me staring at her and rolled her eyes. I didn't look away though. It wasn't exactly an intentional dominance game, but that's what it was turning out to be. In reality my curiosity had been piqued. I missed a good portion of the conversation as I looked her over. She ended up looking away and turned her attention back to everyone else. Something in the corner of my eye brought me back to the conversation and I noticed Lili looking at me.

Her eyes flickered to Izzy and her hazel eyes became cold and calculating. I watched as she took in her appearance.

"We should get going. Be careful not to get hit or breath anything in harmful. I know this will be difficult, but we want to avoid having to use that vial if we can," Lili said.

When I first came, I'd have thought that Izzy would assume the leader position. It was becoming clear that although Izzy had been second in command, Lili had surpassed her. It also made me wonder something else that had been left hanging in the air.

"Do you guys have any idea whatever happened to Taylor?" I asked. Probably a stupid question since everyone had seen what I'd seen, but maybe their guess was better than mine.

"I'd say dead. There's no way that could keep Taylor this long alive," Izzy said.

"I wonder if Patricio is okay," Guilherme said.

"Who's that?" Izzy asked.

"My brother," Jake said. He seemed sad.

"Maybe they're both alive. Maybe we'll find them before it's too late," I said.

"I doubt it," Jake said.

I didn't like the way he said it, but there was nothing I could do for him.

"Are you all ready?" Lili asked, bringing out attention back to the task at hand.

"I'm ready," Guilherme said.

Izzy gave a tight nod.

"Let's do it," I said.


It seemed like we kept returning the same facility. It was the same one that we'd gotten the data from and as well as where Timothy had ran those tests on the virus.

"We should split up. Izzy, you follow me. Jake, Guilerherme and Celeste you all stay together. When I give the cue Izzy, I need you to shatter every piece of glass within a five mile radius," Lili said.

Izzy's green eyes flashed as she pulled her long colorful hair up from her face. I almost thought she was going to put up a protest in a struggle for power, but after a few moments of vacillation she gave a tight nod.

"You all should stand behind me. It'll still hurt, but the sound waves won't be as direct," she said.

I made sure to get a few feet between us. Lili gave her a signal to go. As soon as she opened her mouth, my ears felt like they were being stabbed and my head felt like it was going to explode. Indirect my ass. I covered my ears, but it did absolutely nothing. It was a miracle she didn't give herself a migraine whenever she used her powers, but I guessed the user was generally immune to their own abilities. I watched as the glass in the building cracked and then suddenly exploded. She stopped shortly after that.

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