Chapter 3

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I felt like the best way to transport us all was on horse back. Initially I was going to go with the Arabian horse, but then I changed my mind and went with the Namib desert horse. They were the only known feral horses in Africa and they were well adapted to the desert environment.

When I morphed this time, I knew I wouldn't be morphing again any time soon. I was going to stay as a horse for as long as I could. It didn't hurt - it never did - but it was wearing me out. I'd morphed more than five times in the past two or three hours. Once we got to safety I'd be dead on my feet, but that was okay - horses had the ability to lock their legs and sleep standing up.

A common misconception about horses was that if the lied down they were extremely ill. In reality it is perfectly fine and healthy for them to do so, but they just have to feel safe. Being naturally skittish and a prey animal, made the ability to sleep standing up a protection against predation. This would work especially well for the three of us since we were on the run. All Jake and Timothy would have to do is jump on my back and we'd be ready to go.

The hair on my neck, which came to my collar bone, began to grow out and turn black as reddish hair began to grow on the red of my body. My muscles began to bulge as my body became more equine-like. My hands and feet shifted to become hooves and when I was on all fours I tossed my head and swished my tail around.

I made sure to be a stallion since they were more aggressive (and unpredictable) than mares. Although horses tended to run from danger they would attack in some instances - stallions even more so. Horses definitely weren't animals of the night, but they could see better than humans could. The horse and I eyeballed Jake and Timothy with apprehension and curiosity. Our nostrils flared as we sniffed the air, and the stallion immediately stiffened. He could smell the wolves.

A wave of panic and fear rushed through my body at the scent. Equids and canids definitely did not mix and the horse was not happy at all. Before I knew what I was doing the stallion had taken over and I was tossing my head while and neighing loudly. When he noticed Jake and Timothy again our ears flattened against our skull.

Through the fog, I could tell that Jake hadn't really worked with horses, or probably animals in general, but Timothy knew what was going on. Sometimes when the animal whose body I was using got too worked up, my control slipped and the animal took charge. That's exactly what was happening now. The stallion was afraid of the wolves and the two humans next to him reeked of them. Our front leg started lifted from the ground to strike them and it was only a matter of time before we reared up and kicked the both of them.

Timothy started backing away and Jake quickly followed. Their movement was just enough that it made the stallion turn his rear end toward them and kick violently. But they'd made it into the safe zone and I didn't kick them. Just as the stallion was about to run off, I was able to regain control. He was still in an adrenaline heightened state, but I shut him down.

We we needed to get out of here, and I could be running around wildly all because this horse was a little spooked.

"You alright there?" Timothy said as he came around, ensuring that there was a good amount of space between him and my hind end. He rubbed my neck before trailing his hand to my shoulder.

The stallion calmed down at his touch, which had never happened before. Usually Timothy just talked to the animals, but as of late it seemed like he could do much more. I hadn't felt his power per se, but the animal had. The stallion wanted Timothy to stay close. He didn't mind when Timothy got on our back. One of our hind legs began to rest on the tip of his hoof as he relax and his ears pointed out to the side. The stallion couldn't even care less when Jake joined Timothy on my back.

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