Chapter 16

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Something told me to talk to Sakima before Jake and I left. I was having trouble sleeping so I went and found him later that night.

He and Izzy were still up talking. Izzy's demeanor instantly changed when she caught sight of me. Her lips curled into a scowl and she turned her body toward Sakima and away from me. The movement caught Sakima's attention and he looked up. His reaction was much more subtle. He didn't look exactly happy to see me, but he wasn't exactly upset like Izzy was either.

"How can we help you, Celeste?" He asked.

"I need to speak with you. Alone. It's important," I said.

His eyes flashed to Izzy before returning to me. His head bobbed in a slight nod.

"Are you serious? After all of the trouble she's caused? She doesn't even deserve to stay with us," Izzy said incredulously.

"It's not your place to judge my decisions. I will hear what Celeste has to say. And you will not be present during the conversation," he replied.

She really didn't like that.

"Nobody made you the sole authority here. Anything she has to say to you, she can say in front of me," she snapped.

Sakima let out a long breath and smoke bellowed out.

"I'm losing my patience with you, Elizabeth."

She shrugged.

"Tough. She can't be trusted and the fact that you're even taking her side makes me question your judgment. It's probably why you lost your sister in the first place"

There was a flash of something fearsome in Sakima's face. I froze. Izzy hesitated, but she kept an indignant expression. I could see the stiffness in her back from where I stood. She'd gone too far with that one. We all knew she didn't stand a chance against Sakima in a dominance battle.

Sakima stood up and took off his shirt. I could feel the heat radiating off of him and instinctively took a step back. There was no way I was going to get caught up in this fight.

Izzy didn't even try to move away as he reached forward and grabbed her by her shirt. I watched as a fire sparked in his other hand and slowly traveled through the rest of his body. His entire upper body was engulfed, save for the hand that held Izzy. He stopped the flames just before his wrist, so even though she didn't get burned she's definitely felt the heat.

"Repeat what you just said," he snarled.

Izzy just whimpered in response. She was scared shitless. For all the talking she'd done, her actions didn't really back her up. I backed up a little more just to be safe.

"Now!" Sakima roared. The fire on his body was barely controlled. It nearly made contact with Izzy as it flickered wildly with his emotions.

"I'm s-sorry. I went to f-far," she whispered.

"The next time you speak to me like that again, I will have no mercy. It would be in your best interest to remember that we all are your allies and to treat us as such. Your arrogance is how Myra almost killed you in the first place," he snarled.

She nodded her head and he released her roughly, causing her to tumble on the floor. When she got up, she was a complete wreck, but it was no one's fault but her own. Once Izzy was completely out of sight, Sakima turned his attention to me. His body was no longer engulfed, but he was definitely radiating heat.

I really hoped I never pissed him off.

"What do you want, Celeste," he asked, his toned clipped.

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