Chapter 15

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The door unlocked and I put all of my body weight on it. The handle turned but the door didn't move. I could hear someone grumbling on the other side.

"Let him in," Lili whispered.

I backed away from the door and it swung open. A man walked in, but he didn't even have a chance to absorb what was going on before Lili hit him in the head with her gun.

"That works too," I said as I followed her out.

I was shocked that security wasn't in full force at this place, but it was a much smaller facility. We were able to slip out without any more issues. I had a bad feeling about the times ahead. The humans were efficient. I didn't know how we'd be able to fight back since they had the virus in their arsenal. We were on a time crunch now. The only way to make it out alive was to find some kind of cure for the virus.

As I chewed it over, I came to the realization that I was unaffected by the virus. Sure everyone else's life was at stake, but I'd be okay. I just had to make sure I didn't killed by other means.

We got back to the office and snuck in from the roof.

"Thanks for the help," I said to Lili.

She grabbed my hand a placed the flash drive my palm.

"It is what friends do," she shrugged, letting go.

Lili wasn't shy, but she didn't seem like the kind of person to call just anyone her friend. She'd been with Sakima and Izzy for a while and treated them like nothing more than coworkers.

"You know, growing up all I had was Timothy. He was my best friend because nobody else understood me. Then I met Jake and now I have you too. But I feel like I can never return what people have to offer me," I said.

"I lived my life being misunderstood because I was unable to control my powers. Every time I touched someone I took a risk. It wasn't until I found out there were others that I began to fit in, but even then I was continuously underestimated. I see people make the same mistakes with you: they expect things they should not and end up utterly disappointed. I have learned to simply take what people have to offer and not to lend more than I can give," she said.

She appeared forlorn after that. Her eyes lost their usual sparkle and her lips dragged down slightly. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Well you have me. For what it's worth." She knew what I meant.

"Those are some really cool tattoos," I noted when my hand uncovered one as I removed it.

"Thank you. I like the splash of colors."

The tattoos were very "her". Lili was graceful and artistic in everything she did - right down to kicking someone's ass. Her water color tattoos were a blend of both splashes and specific images. She had a variety - feathers, birds, butterflies and more. I wished that I could get tattoos, but they'd just disappear whenever I shape shifted. It would be a waste of time and money.

"I guess we should head inside. Jake's gonna want to search for his family if they're on this flash drive," I said. I noticed Lili's expression changed slightly when I mentioned him, but I didn't think too much of it. I was tired and wanted nothing more than to run away and never come back, but I'd see how things went.


Izzy had an attitude for a few days just as Lili predicted. She didn't look at either of us or even speak. She made it a point to ignore us, but I didn't really care. Unlike Izzy, Timothy was very interested in deep conversation with Lili - or pretty much anyone who would listen.

"So tell me. Why do you like cows so much?" Lili asked.

"Because ruminants are amazing. You know cows have four compartments in their stomach?" Timothy said

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