Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. The memories from the last day came rushing back. A strangled groan ripped out of my throat as images flooded my mind.

The room began spinning. My eyes darted from wall to wall as they closed me in the room. They landed on the heavy curtains that blocked out the sun. Scrambling out of the bed, I had the curtains in my grasp and tore them from the rod. Sunlight flooded the room, but it wasn't enough.

I could still see the images. I could feel myself being torn apart by whatever was in that vial. My hands trembled while I opened the window. Traffic was heavy down below. Someone would probably notice me if I jumped.

In a whir of frustration, I grabbed the backpack and made my way to Timothy and Jake's room. I pounded on the door like I was a police officer.

"Good god, do you have to wake up the entire neighborhood?" Jake complained in a groggy voice.

"We need to go," I said.

"What's the hurry? It's barely seven o'clock and there's nothing happening right now." he said as he leaned against the door post. He was shirtless with just bottoms on and his hair was wild.

"That's exactly why we need to leave," I responded.

"We need to leave because there's nothing happening?"

I nodded.

"It's better to leave while it's quiet than to wait to get attacked again."

"I know a lie when I hear one, Cel. Especially when it comes from you," I heard my brother say in the background.

"You know I'm right," I retorted.

Jake yawned loudly.

"I suppose you are. Let's get a bite to eat and keep it moving then."


We were on the road about an hour later. I sat in the back seat with the backpack in my lap. I unzipped it and made sure the vials were still there. When I closed it and looked up I noticed Timothy staring at me through the rearview mirror. Silently, I diverted my gaze to the window and watched as the city flew by.

The ride was pretty quiet until we reached a toll booth.

"That'll be three dollars," the man said.

Timothy handed him a bill. The man look surprised and then suspicious as he counted out the change - a full ninety seven dollars. Hundreds were the smallest bills we had in that bag.

I felt his eyes take in the three of us for a little longer than necessary.

"We are you guys heading to?" he asked. He was done counting the money but hadn't handed it back yet.

"Oh just a day trip to visit some family that's all," Timothy said.

"And where would that family be?"

Jake leaned over Timothy.

"With all due respect sir we'd just like our change and to get through."

He nodded and handed Timothy the money. The gate opened and we drove through.

"I have a bad feeling about this," my brother said.

"Celeste, you keep an eye out for anything suspicious. I'm going to look out for a good place to ditch this car. They're most likely going to end up tracking us," Jake said.

About ten minutes passed before Jake pointed out parking lot that looked pretty full. We parked the car there. It wasn't until then I noticed a car driving through the lot. It had been behind us on the road, but this was just one step too many.

Chronicles of the Unknowns: ExposedWhere stories live. Discover now