Being the stupid child I was, I went to the village to ask for help. All I can say is that there was a riot. They chased Saki and I out of the village with pitchforks, fire, and hurtful insults. We managed to escape onto a small fishing boat and drift off to sea. Saki had not a scratch on her, but me on the other hand, I was cut and slashed while protecting Saki.

We drifted around a bit on the grand line, but we ran into some marines who wanted to kill us because of our family name. If they killed assassins, they might get promoted. After we ended up killing them a bounty was place on my and Saki's head. Everywhere we went, they all hated us oh so much, and they prosecuted us for crimes we never committed. And that's about when met the witch...

Shoot, we're late again!


I studied the Juka Juka tree. There were deep and large, jagged cuts near the base of the slick, crystal purple trunk. The marines likely attempted to remove it because it was a major obstacle and when grows to it's full size, it will obstruct the marine base.

I'd say it has grown approximately 4 m since last year. Even though she has passed on, she still continues to strive to new heights.

I wish I knew how to retrieve the devil fruits from the tree, I should have interrogated Naomi on this subject years ago...

The key to this enigma is believed to be at the bottom of the sea, written on a poneglyph. How did Naomi retrieve this information?

"Hishi, when is Bro bro coming?" Saki tapped my shoulder from behind.

"Approximately five minutes, they should have arrived by now if Takumi wasn't usually late. And would you please stop calling me 'Hishi' Saki, it is quite out dated." I attempted to clarify this matter as I push my lenses closer to my face with two fingers.

The Pirate King is also late, these people do not keep up with their responsibilities well.

I scanned the abandoned war field for signs of arriving visitors. It was silent except for the lapping of the waves.

"Okay Hiroshi," her expression turned puzzled, "I don't get why you don't like your nickname. I think it makes you sound cute and happy." She says enthusiastically.

Over the years, Saki has matured. Due to my teachings, she isn't as simple minded as she was 10 years ago, and she can also read, write, and talk correctly. It was very stressful being Saki's teacher, my reasoning being that her low attention span makes it difficult for her to process the lesson.

"I do not want my impression to be 'cute and happy', it makes me seem weak and is the opposite of my true personality." I argued.

A feeble impression is disfavored in my business. Customers do not wish to hire dainty and timid swords master.

Approximately 37 days after Naomi's death, I returned to my home island, only to be pleasured by the sight. My grandfather was deceased, the cause of his demise was most certainly Naomi, there were no wounds on his body. And I dove into debt again, owing Naomi for saving me again, she defeated my enemy, the one I couldn't over come. I burned the bunker, and I turned away from my grandfather's reputation as a sword smith.

I currently teach children the ways of the sword. I have a moderately sized dojo, and I often travel the seas with Saki.

"Hiroshi!" Yuzuki opened her arms for a hug. They must have arrived when I was pondering. She must wish for a hasty pat on the shoulder. I returned the gesture and we had an unusually swift embrace. Then she turned to Saki and Saki gave a cheerful hug.

I noticed Takumi glaring at me from 3.6 metres away, waiting to greet Saki. Akemi raced to my feet and began to babble. "Uncle Hishi? Guess what Uncle? Daddy's going to teach me how to use a bow! But only when I'm ten years old. Isn't cool?!" Akemi's eyes sparkled with passion. I don't recall Takumi ever drawing an arrow, most likely a double lesson for the both of them.

I gently patted her on the head. Then she joyfully skipped over to Saki to continue with her perpetual conversing. Takumi approached me. "Swordsjerk, nice seeing you again." He commented frigidly, clearly not elated for our encounter. He is still holding his grudge from when I defeated him during a duel.

"A pleasure meeting you." I said professionally. We locked in an unnecessary stare.

"Oi, Saki! How was your trip!?" I search for the source of the voice. Its Luffy, calling over to Saki as he raced over to the towering tree.

"Luffy-senpai!" Saki's face lite up. His majesty has arrived, and in his foot steps was his adoptive brother. "Ace!" Saki hopped energetically and met them halfway with a hug.

The minutes that followed were those of reunion. Plenty of discussion of adventures in the past year were to be heard. But this event is not in the nature of happiness, it is quite a grave matter. Sacrifice, death, and salvage, that is the importance of this event and the Juka Juka tree. On Naomi's home island, they worshipped this tree, and with every ounce of respect, I perceive why.

This tree is a monument to those who sacrificed far more than needed. This is a monument to us. Takumi, Naomi, Ace, and I. I honour the tree as I honour myself.

"I'd say its about time to lay down the flowers." Takumi says casually. I reached into my bag and pull out a bundle of a variety of flowers. Akemi raced to my feet once more, anticipating laying of the flowers in which she usually handless. I carefully place them in her delicate hands.

She laid each down separately. A pink Carnation, and a white Carnation. A single blue forget-me-not. A lavender Heather, and a violet Larkspur. A white pansy, and a yellow buttercup. The very last flower to be laid was a pink rose.

Gratitude and remembrance. Never forgetting. Solitude and a beautiful spirit. Loving thoughts and radiance. And last but not least, our admiration and appreciation.

I selected these very specific flowers, and every year, we'll return here for the anniversary.


I sat on the cool stone, watching the tree, as I did every year, waiting.

And I will just keep waiting as I always have, until Takumi gently takes my arm and we walk together to the ship.

Naomi... when are you coming back?

I imagine the tree glowing and shattering into indigo dust. And in the mound of dust, Naomi... she would rise from there. A trail of glitter following the fluttering of her wings.

She always pushed the boundaries, and broke impossible. She brought fishmen, merfolk, angels, humans, and all the other races to extinction, and then she saved us.

But she left so suddenly. The pain from betrayal still burns in my heart after so long. She told me she was traveling, not in an internal slumber. Not contained in a tree.

My dead eyes stared at the trunk.

I felt the presence of a person sitting beside me. "It does seem plausible for Naomi to materialize at this very moment, but she won't. Be thankful that you were not forced into taking part of the 'official' celebration today." Hiroshi insured. That scum. I clenched my fist. I despise him just as much as those false celebrations. Where children giggle and play as they burn a demonic-looking red-haired doll over a large flame. Its barbaric.

She will return. I defensively rose.

"Fool, Naomi will return one day. And when that day comes I, the gre-" I suddenly freeze in realization of my words. I pale in comparison to those around me, I do not have the right to call myself great. I sit back down on the hard floor.

"I, Yuzuki, hope to be there when she returns." I correct myself, much softer than before.

And the next one to come... may take years. Naomi, she told me in a dream, only months after her departure, how to awaken her once more. But I swore an oath to never share anything about how to.

She said I can't be her successor because back then, my heart was 3/4 empty, one eighth was sadness, and the last eighth,

she said was filled with self hatred.

She spoke the disgusting truth.

A familiar hand grasped my arm as it slowly helped me off the ground. I cradled myself in its warmth. It guided me to our boat and we set sail for home. As we always have.


Thee end.

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