Escape Attempt #2

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Before you start reading, I just wanted to thank all you readers. This book is at 1k reads now and you guys really made my day. I couldn't upload because I was loaded with homework and also this chapter was really sucky before I edited it. So thank you so much, honestly I was only expecting 800 reads on this book, but I got even better.

Also I got the chance to upload a picture for the last chapter, I worked hard on it and you should go check it out.


"Swordsman, tell me this incompetent plan of yours works." I demanded as I crossed my arms. I refuse to go along quietly with a plan doomed to fail.

"Yes, I am certain we will succeed." The swordsman asserted. "There are multiple stages necessary for this to succeed, with a total of one hundred eighty-four planed and possible alterations. Depending on the conditions and events it is possible that it might reach a total of one thousand, seven hundred, twenty-five."

This plan of his is too extensive.

"One hundred eighty-four?! Are you dumb? We do not need one hundred eighty-four completely planed out alterations!" The monkey faced creep complained.

"Since, obviously your pea sized brain can't contain the simplest of things I made a list on the top six alterations." the swordsman harshly insulted. The monkey creep began to fume and mutter intelligible words, not that I, the great Yuzuki bothered to know.

"Fools, explain the plan swordsman." I ushered. "Ya Hishi! Plany Plan!" Her hideous electric blue hair bobbed as she foolishly bounced up and down. I would comment on her feeble mind but I do not have the time. Will these imbeciles hasten, Naomi is to be executed soon.

The swordsman sighed, "To simplify this mission, I am giving you communicators. You will tell me the situation and I will tell everyone how to proceed." He held out his rough hand and opened his fist to reveal shiny black devices that I presume belong in you ears. They also contained a microphone to communicate with.

"Take one"

I regretfully took one and properly placed it on my ear. If it was used previously by another filthy being, I do not want to touch it.

"To continue, here is the basic layout of the mission."


"Does everyone understand?" I double checked, they are often unpredictable. "Yes" Takumi sighed while Saki chirped. It is surprising how diverse they are, considering that they are twins.

"Okay, Saki, begin stage one." For this plan to work properly we need to start one hour before Naomi's set execution time.

Saki's arms became a dense fog as she lowered the visibility of the surrounding area. "Hishi! Look at me! I making it clouds!" Saki grinned. I frowned, she will pass away soon. Takumi blasted his winds into the sails as we swiftly moved on forwards. The crew was silent.

I haven't concluded to when I was drawn into favoring this group of people. I can't abandon them, it will have several effects on my mental health. It is also unusual that I am lacking in critical information. I am curious to know why Naomi is the ship's doctor, base on her personality it is difficult to believe should would chose the medical field.

I glanced upwards and surveyed the sea, there was extremely low visibility. "Okay, everyone abandon ship and go in our arranged groups to the prison, remember to fly high and silently." I commanded into the mic. "Yay!" Saki jumped of the side of the ship, only to shoot upwards, leaving a trail of white clouds behind. The prison is forward from the bow of the ship.

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