Chapter 24: Love Never Fails But Honesty Does

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“I wasn’t talking to you, you ugly bitch.” He glared and flipped me the birdie before turning back to Aaron again.

Aaron growled at her before she could even get a word out.

“Don’t talk to her like that” He glared.

“Why not? She’s nothing but a piece of trash.” She tried to ask innocently.

Innocent my ass

“Excuse me?” I asked her.

“You heard me” She glared back.

“Listen, I don’t know who you think you are. I don’t care if you’re the CEO of Exxon’s daughter. No one calls me a piece of trash and a bitch.” My fists were getting ready to fly.

“You’re an ugly piece of garbage, bitch.” She smirked.

Oh this poor human didn’t know what I could do to her. But she had tested me and now she’s gonna see my results.

So I did what I’ve been waiting to do since I saw her.

I brought my arm back and punched her right in the nose.

And I heard a nice, painful crack by the way.

And there she was lying on the floor, clutching her nose as she screamed.

But the whore had some bravery and stood up before running full speed at me and tackling me to the floor, pulling at my hair and scratching me.

Way to cat fight.

But she did get a nice scratch going down my neck but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt.

I growled at her before switching our position so now I was on top and I kept punching her repeatedly in the face and I grabbed her leg and locked it in my leg and arm and pulled.

She screamed in agony as I kept pulling.

One more strong pull and her leg is as good as broken.

She kept trying to kick me with her other foot and set my wolf off even more.

I was going to pull on her leg and break it before I was grabbed off of her by two extremely buff human security guards.

I didn’t even bother to fight her after that because she was already bloodied up and in agonizing pain.

“You need to leave” The guards told me as they both carried me out of the concert.

Bye, bye, Coldplay.

“You shouldn’t have messed with me!” I exclaimed. As they carried me out.

Aaron trudged behind us, out of the concert with a smirk on his face.

The guards set me down out the door and nodded at me before going back in and closing the door.

I tried to push it open but it was locked.


I heard Aaron chuckle behind me which made me even more frustrated.

“What’s so funny?” I growled at him as I slowly stalked towards him.

“You just beat the shit out of her and got us kicked out of a concert. That was hot.” He laughed.

“Well maybe if you hadn’t stood there and done something, we could still be in there!” I exclaimed.

His smile slightly faded once he realized what I was talking about.

I rolled me eyes and said, “Just unlock the door”

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