Chapter 30- End Chase and A Death

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||Caira's POV||

We started running after Mei left, sigh. I panted, "Caira? You okay?" Harry asked. I gave him a thumbs up.

Then nightmare sand started blasting everywhere. What the hell! "Run!" Harry grabbed my hand and we all ran.

Soon, we got into safety. "Phew..." I turned around, everyone was there, Ashton was of course, leading the way.

"So, we camp now?" Harry asked, wait what? I looked up, woah! I didn't even realize that it was already night, because huge fire Adianna was holding.

"Alright, we camp." Jackson said, Lainne made the tents, Jackson and Eliz— Ugh, the same.

But this time, Jackson and Eliza made an air shield, for the inner shield. Then, they made an ice shield, for the middle shield. Then Lainne made a rock shield, for the outer shield.

"Great job! Let's sleep—" Eliza collapsed on the hard ground, okay, she is tired alright.

"Uhh, I'll carry her," Ethan carried Eliza to their tent.

"Well, I'm kinda tired too....Harry you coming?" I asked, sleepily.

"I'll be there in a minute," Harry said.

"Alriiighht..." I slept, falling to a dreamless sleep.

||Pitch's POV||

"WHY CAN'T I JUST KILL THEM ALL!?!" I slammed my fist.

"I'll make them suffer from their sleep.." I smirked, a sinister smirk.

||Caira's POV||

I woke up to a scream, beside me. I quickly turned to Harry, he was sweating, cold sweats.

"Harry! Harry! Wake up!" I shooooook (A/N: XD) him. He woke up, I felt him caress my neck, I held his hand.

"What was your nightmare about...?" I hesitated to ask.

"You.....dying....Pitch slit your throat with a knife, you slowly dying in my arms..." He let a tear roll down his cheek. I quickly wipe the tear away.

"It won't happen.." I hugged him.

"I know, I know..." He hugged me tightly.

"Let's go back to sleep," I told him.

"Yea.." He smiled faintly. I snuggled closer to his chest, he hugged me with one of his arms, we both slept.

I woke up to a loud 'BANG!'. It was already morning. I quickly ran outside, I gasped when I saw it. "GUYS! WAKE UP!" I screamed.

"Wha— OH CRUD!" Harry saw what I saw.

Well, let me tell you what we saw. Here it is, the outer shield was breaking apart, by a fuurrreaking large nightmare monster. It was about to go break the ice shield. Like damn! It was 10 ft high!

"WE HAVE TO GO!" Jackson commanded. We all ran, opposite from the nightmare monster.

Jackson made a human-sized hole, then we all ran out of it, since they were still breaking the wall, they being idiots that we're already out of there, we all flew out of there. Jackson and Eliza flying, and all of us, with the sled.

'BOOM!' The ice shield collapsed, we were already out of there, then we saw that they were starting to fly. "DOWN!" Jackson ordered. We all did.

We all are already down the forest, when they (Pitch and his minions) started flying. "What idiots." Rap chuckled, when we landed.

"Yea." Harry agreed, snickering.

"Can we eat? I'm hungry." Krennelle and Annette said in unison.

"We just ate like, 4 hours ago." Merynne told them, annoyed.

"But we're hungry!" They still said in unison.

"Sometimes I still wonder if you two are twins." Merynne rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I'll get some food then—" Ashton was cut off by a nightmare blast coming right to his face. He quickly moved away and the nightmare blast hit the tree behind him.

"God! Ashton! Are you okay?!" Adianna rushed to Ashton.

"I'm alright, the nightmare blast just cut a piece of my hair." He smiled to her.

"We gotta run, they're near." Jackson announced. We all agreed, we ran again.

~30 minutes later~

I sighed, panting, we ran for about 30 minutes I think? "Why do we have to keep on running like this?" I panted, I am really tired.

"We have to live." Harry said, that was a satisfying answer for me.

"Yea." I smiled at him.

"Well, I'm really thirsty.." Eliza made each one of us an ice glass, Ethan made us water and we all thanked him. I drank the water.

||Merida's POV||

Where are the kids? Are they alright? Why haven't we found them yet? "Hiccup.. what if, what if..." I trailed off.

"No, we won't let it happen, I promise, I won't." Hiccup hugged me to comfort me.

I sobbed on his chest, he hugged me tighter, I hear him murmuring some soothing words to me.

I just kept sobbing, then, I stopped, I have faith. I have faith that they'll be okay, but there is something holding me back...what if—

||Caira's POV||

We have been running for hours, it was already night. "Let's make camp." Jackson declared. (A/N: It's getting old, don't worry! It'll be ending soon! *smirks*)

We all nodded, and made camp, still the same as last camp. I slept with Harry.

I woke up, I heard a loud thud, then a shatter, shizzzz!!! That must be the ice wall! They're in!

"HARRY! WAKE UP!!! NOW!!! PITCH AND HIS MINIONS ARE IN!!!" I screamed, Harry woke up with his eyes wide.

"GUYS!!! WAKE UP!!!" He yelled.

The nightmare monster got inside our barrier, everything was disaster. We all separated ways, Harry and I were together.

"C'mon!" Harry grabbed my hand, we were running deep to the forest, but then we were trapped, there was a cliff.

"Ah, finally. We have come to the end of The Chase," Pitch's voice behind us.

"Well, make you fall perhaps?" Pitch made a nightmare whip, he aims at our feet, we dodged, but when we dodged, we fall to the cliff. I scream, we were falling. But Harry got a hold of the cliff's edge.

"Ah, I see, still alive eh?" Pitch laughed.

It all registers to my mind, it's my fault, it's all my fault....we are about to die.. "Harry, let me go.." I told him. "No, I won't let you go!" He disagreed.

"You need to, we'll both die if you don't.."

"No! You'll die! We'll make it out of this! We can!" Harry tried to lift us up with his hand.

"Get ready to die then, both of you." Pitch flashed us a sinister smile.

"Harry, you have to let me go.." I told him.

"No! I won't! I'll die without you!" He shook his head.

Then, I thought of an idea. "I love you, so much.." I gave him a long kiss, he responded, I cupped his cheek for the last time. His grip loosen. "I love you..." I slowly let go of his hand. "No, Caira, don't!" He tried to take grip on my hand,

But then...

I let go...


Oh my eeefffffiiinnnngggg god!!!! Shiazzz! Condolences....Rest in Peace Caira...or yea?

*Complete silence*

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