"You heard him. Now pack your staff" my father demands.

I grabbed a plastic bag to but my staff in. I went to the bathroom first to grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner.

I grabbed my other two two pairs of clothing. I had three of everything. All being the same colour and everything. There was nothing special about my clothes.

I walked back over and stood in front of Hanji and Mike with my head lowered.

"Is that all you have?" Mike asks.

"Yes sir" I answer without looking up.

"Then we'll be leaving. Thank you very much Alpha Jeager" Mike turns to father and bows politely.

"No problem just get him out of here. Do what ever you want with him I don't care" my father says before leaving. Jean following him.

"Alright let's go then oh and Eren your riding with me" Hanji pips up. I nod and follow her outside to her vehicle while Mike went to the other vehicle.

Hanji went over and opened the door behind the driver's seat. I frown my brow my didn't complain.

When I got in there was a woman in the passenger seat and another sitting behind her.

The first woman had black waist length hair with dark brown eyes. The second women had brown shoulder length hair with clear blue eyes.

"Hi I'm Susan and that's Rebecca" the woman with brown hair says as she hold out her hand for me to shake.

"H-hi I'm Eren" I shutter.

"Eren here lady's is our first omega. Now we can all go back my my pack" Hanji explains.

"So your an omega..... I've never meet one before" Rebecca say with wonder.

********** Time skip **********

The car drive to Hanji's and Mike's pack was about 6 hours and a had learnt the name of their pack. The wings pack or in other words wings of freedom.

I quite liked the name. I was finally free from my abusive father, free from my pack. I felt free but for how long.

I was given to another pack. I didn't know what they were like. It could be the same as my old pack or even worse. I wasn't free and I'll never will be.

It was now that I just relised that I was taken away from my only two friends. Mikasa and Armin. I'll never see them again. Memories of us hanging out flashed through my mind.

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With out them I was now truly alone

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With out them I was now truly alone. I had no one. No one to go to when I'm sad or hurting. No one to make me smile any more. No one to make me happy. Nothing to really live for.

I don't get it. Why the fuck am I still alive. I have no one anymore. No one loves me and no one here's gonna love me.

I'm a piece of trash. I should be dead. Why am I not dead? Why dose this world keep me alive? Let me die already.

"Hey Eren are you okay?" Susan looked me in the eye like her clear blue eyes were trying to look at my soul.

"Hey Hanji maybe you should look over Eren to see if he's okay" Rebecca tells over to Hanji who's waiting by the front door.

"N-no I'm fine. Really" I says waving my hands in front of my face.

"Eren follow me" Hanji says with a serious face which actually scares me.

"I'm okay seriously" I say quickly.

"Eren don't disobey orders" he orders. I lower my head and my body shakes a little but I follow Hanji in side.

"W-where we going?" I asks softly.

"My office" she says bluntly.


"I'm going to give you a check up. Physically and mentally"

"What. Why?" I slightly raise my vocie from the quite whisper my voice was before.

"Well for one you hate physical contact and by the way you were acting before I can tell your mentally hurt" After she said that I didn't know what to say.

She opens the door and walks in with me behind her. At the very end of the room was a bug brown desk and to the side was cabints filled with medical equipment. And coming up the front was hospital beds. It was like I was in the hospital.

"Sit on one of the beds" she points over to the hospital beds that are lined up on each side of the walls. I sit down on the closest one.

"So well start with the physical check up. Please take your shirt off" Hanji now standing in front of me.

With shaky hands I lift my shirt over my head. The last time some one saw me naked was when Jean raped me.

I place the shirt down beside me and my body trembles in fear. Not just because of what happened 2 weeks ago but what she would think of my digusting body.

I was ashamed of myself. I brought shame on my father. He was ashamed of me. He hated me and I was alright with that. He had all the right to me.

Hanji gasped and my head shot up to look at her shocked face. I knew it. She thought I was pathetic.

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Have a great day.

My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now