A/N: I'm Back!/Thanks for 3,000+ votes in total!!!

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Hey, readers! I'm baaaaaaccckkk! I returned from my vacation late last night and was too tired to go on Wattpad and tell you guys that I'm back, so I'm doing it now! Sorry for the long wait for another update! I'm gonna do my best to update again today! If not today, then sometime very soon! I have the next chapter planned out already, and let's just say that it's gonna be very interesting!

Also, I recently added up all of my votes from all of my books and found out that I now have over 3,000 votes in total! Guys, this is such a HUGE achievement for me! I remember how excited I was when I got my first vote when I first joined this website. Now it's almost 2 years later and I have over 3,000 votes. Guys, thank you so much for helping me reach this! It means a lot to me that people enjoy what I write! 😃

Before I go, I just wanted to tell you guys about the cool plane I had to go on yesterday. IT WAS HUGE!!! There were 2 seats on one side, 2 on the other, and 4 seats in the middle in each row! And each seat had this little touch screen device where you could watch movies and tv shows, play games, listen to music, and pull up this GPS thing and see where you were! And guess who's music I found while scrolling through the music selection? SABRINA CARPENTER'S!!! I swear it was the nicest plane I ever went on. And there were a lot of other good songs that I knew on there that I got to listen to. And before we went on, they scattered everyone's seats since they had to change planes last minute. Also, we had to go through this huge security thing and had nowhere to sit when we got through it, so I was just like, "wow, I'm not even on the plane yet and I'm already done." But everyone's seats got fixed eventually and everyone was satisfied.  That nice plane definitely made up for everything that my family and I had to go through yesterday.

But UGH, I have to go back to school tomorrow! 😢😢😢😭😭😭 Anyways, I hope you all had a nice Spring Break! 😃 Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 😊 Hopefully you will be seeing a new chapter today!


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