10: Falling Out of Riley's Dream Cloud

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Chapter Ten
Maya Hart

    As Riley and I fell, I decided to keep my eyes open. I had a feeling that the same exact thing was going to repeat itself. Even if Riley ends up waking up, I'm going to fall out of her dream cloud wither way because this is not my dream and I don't belong here. Also, I wanted to actually see what happens when you fall out of a dream cloud. As I was falling out of mine, I ended up getting scared and closed my eyes.

    All of the sudden, the grass below us turned into clouds. Before I knew it, we were falling through them. I could see nothing but what looked like white fluff balls. The white fluff balls turned into white walls. Below me, Riley was still lying down with my body on the hospital bed. That's when I realized that I was still holding onto Riley's leg. Oh no, Riley fell out of her dream cloud with me and didn't wake up! Just as I thought we were going to land on the hospital bed, I realized that we were going to land on the floor right next to it. I looked down at Riley and realized that she had her eyes closed out of fear.

    "RILEY, OPEN YOUR EYES!!!" I cried.

    Just as we were about to hit the floor, Riley's eyes sprang wide open. Out of reflexes, she put her hands out in front of her. Since Riley was coming down head-first, when her hands hit the ground, it looked as if she was doing a handstand. Since I was still holding onto Riley's one leg and was still above her, falling, I ended up going over her as if we were playing leap frog. Since I didn't have enough time to let go, as soon as I hit the ground, I ended up pulling Riley down, making her do some sort of frontwards summersault. Since I put my one hand out, I ended up landing in a upward dog position. That's when I finally let go of Riley's leg. All of the sudden, I felt something crash into me that caused me to collaspe onto the ground. I lifted my head up and looked over my shoulder to see Riley lying on her stomach on top of me. I figured that I must've caused her to do a flip into the air and to fly right into me, causing my face to get pressed to the floor.

    "Sorry, Maya," Riley apologized, giving me a sheepish smile.

    Riley slowly pushed herself off of me and sat down on the floor.

    "Are you ok?" She asked, hovering over me.

    "Yeah, I'm fine," I groaned as I rolled myself over on my back and sat up.

    "Is it just me or did that not hurt at all?" Riley asked as she scratched her head in confusion.

    "It's not just you, Riley. The same thing goes for me. I'm feeling perfectly fine and unharmed!"

    "Where the heck are we and why aren't we dead? Why are we on a floor and not some sort of ground outside?"

    I sighed. "Riley, you might want to look around you."

    Riley started to look around at our surroundings. Once she saw our sleeping bodies lying next to each other in the hospital bed, she looked dumbfounded.

    "How did I get there?" She asked.

    All of the sudden, a look of realization came across Riley's face. "Oh, that's right! I had lost a lot of energy, crying over the fact that you're in a coma, and ended up crawling into your hospital bed right next to you and falling asleep. So, the real question is how am I in two places at once?"

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