26: First Date?

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Chapter Twenty-Six
Maya Hart

After Riley and I explained everything to her parents and brother, we decided to go for a little walk in New York City. We held hands and swayed our arms back and forth. Riley had a big, goofy grin on her face. I could tell that she was really happy and relived that her family accepted us.

"See, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" I asked her.

She shook her head as if she was snapping herself out of a trance. "What wasn't so bad? Sorry, it's just that I'm so happy night now! I was daydreaming about when my mom, my dad, and Auggie said that they'll always love us no matter what."

    I giggled. "It's fine, peaches. And you should be happy about that. I'm happy that they accept us too! I was talking about coming out when I said that."

    "Well, that is not the way I wanted for it to happen. I wanted to be ready to tell them when we did and not have the fact that we are in a relationship exposed to them, making me explain everything to them."

    I sighed and lowered my head. "I know, honey. I am so sorry that I wrote what I wrote on that slide. I shouldn't of done that. I had no idea that that would happen."

    "Don't be sorry, Maya! I'm actually kind of glad you did that!"

    "Really?" I asked, looking up at Riley with a surprised look on my face.

    "Yeah, if it wasn't for that slide, I would have never known that it does not matter to my family who I love as long as they know that they'll treat me right. If we hadn't come out to them today, then a bundle of nervousness would have been resting somewhere within me until I would not be able to take it no longer and come out to them on my own. We probably wouldn't of wanted to tell them until we figured out how to get out of limbo, which would have made the anticipation and anxiety last a little longer. Those nervous feelings were only inside of me today when I realized how much I love you. Since they hadn't been in there too long, there was not much to be released. If we had waited longer, those feelings would have built up like a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment."

    "Yeah, I'm glad that we got that out of the way too. I think that your mom, dad, and brother are the easiest people to come out to since they are so loving and understanding. I kind of had a feeling that they would accept us and say something similar to what they said. It kind of gives a little of a confidence boost for when we are ready to tell other people."

    "Well, if we ever do get to tell other people," Riley corrected me.

    I cocked my head and gave Riley a look of confusion. "What do you mean?"

    "What if we never get out of limbo, Maya? Is that really how you want to come out to people, Maya? You know, it would have been nice if my family could of actually seen and heard us while we were telling them the story of how we got together, so we wouldn't of had to type everything. Typing can get tiring for me sometimes, but not as tiring as it is for me to write with a pen or pencil." Riley shivered. "Ooh, I can get some really bad hand cramps while doing my homework sometimes. It's the worst."

    "Yeah, that would have been nice if we could have been able to actually speak to them," I sighed, "But, hey, at least now that we're in limbo and have no responsibilities, you won't get cramps anymore from doing all of the homework that our stupid school gives us."

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