16: The Truck That Got Away

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Chapter Sixteen
Riley Matthews

    "What is it?!?!" I asked Maya, giving her a concerned look.

    We were now standing outside of the Toys R Us in Times Square and Maya had just gasped.

    Maya just stared at the street, baffled. "Th-that was th-the car th-that hit m-me," she managed to stumble out.

    My eyes widened. "What?!?!"

    Maya whipped around and grabbed me by my shoulders. "That was the car that hit me, Riley! We have to go and follow it!"

    "How do you know that it was the one that hit you?"

    "Because it had a medium-sized indentation near its right headlight! As soon as I saw it, I flash backed to the day that I was ran over and the car that hit me was the same exact color, brand, and model! Plus, it had the same exact indentation in the same exact spot!"

"Which car was it?"

Maya turned around and started to point out towards the busy street. "It's the one right...... It's gone. Hey, where'd it go?"

"I don't know, Maya. I don't even know what the car looked like."

Maya turned back around and grabbed onto my shoulders. "It was a black truck, now where'd it go?"

    I began to glance around at the busy streets of Times Square. I saw many black trucks, but they were all going too fast for me to be able to tell if they had any dents on them.

    "I don't know; I see a lot of black trucks," I finally answered, "What brand of car was it?"

    Maya thought for a second. "A Toyota I think. Where the heck did the car go?!?!"

    I looked at the streets again. I saw lots of black Toyota trucks, but again, could not find one with a dent. "I don't see a black Toyota truck with a dent. Was it a pick-up truck or a SUV?"

    "SUV, now please tell me that you know where it went!" Maya cried as she slightly shook my shoulders.

    I glanced out into the streets. "Why don't you look for it yourself?"

    "Because I looked and don't see it!"

    "Then, that means that it got away!"

    "NO, IT COULDN'T OF GOTTEN AWAY!!!" Maya yelled at me as she violently shook me, "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT FOR SURE?!?!? ARE YOU EVEN LOOKING?!?!"

    I grabbed Maya's hands and removed them from my shoulders. "Maya clam down," I began as I placed both of her hands into mine, held them up a bit, and stepped back a bit, "I have been looking! I hate to break this to you, but I cannot find a black Toyota SUV that has a medium-sized indentation near its right headlight! I know that you probably really want to kind the hit-and-run driver so you can get your revenge by having them locked behind bars, but we have bigger problems than that right now! Don't you think that never waking up out of limbo is worse than not finding a criminal? I think that it is, especially when you have a life that is being put on pause and people who love you that will miss you and worry about you. Look, I know that your family life isn't too great, but I know that both of your parents care about you very much. Plus, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, and all of our classmates miss you. Heck, even my mom, dad, and brother miss you!"

    Maya sighed and lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Riley," she apologized as she let go of my hands and placed hers by her sides, "I agree with you. I'm just so angered and upset with what's going on right now— you know, the fact that we're in limbo and have no idea how to wake up, which means that we're going to be stuck like this for awhile, miss out on a lot in our lives, and a lot of people are going to be concerned about us, especially you, Riley. Nothing was even wrong with you. They're going to think that you just randomly went into a coma and won't know why. Plus, there are so many people who care about you, Riles. You are loved so much. I mean, how can anyone hate you? I'm really sorry that I shook you like that. I guess that the car getting away made me even angrier."

    I just closed my eyes and hugged Maya, and she hugged me back. "It's ok, Maya, I understand. If I was in your shoes, I would have gotten upset too. And Maya, you are loved very much as well. You have so many great qualities about you that I can't even count. You're caring, fun, funny, smart, bold, daring, adventurous, and sweet— well, with me anyways. There are so many more qualities about you that I can't even name. Not only that, but you are beautiful inside and out."

    "Aw, thanks, Riles! So are you! You are such a wonderful best friend to me! This is why everyone likes you! This is why you're loved by everyone, especially me!"

"Thank you, Maya! You're such a wonderful best friend to me too! I love you too!"

    There was a short moment of silence while Maya and I continued to hug.

"So are you ready to go and see the tree now?" Maya asked me.

    "Yep!" I agreed as I nodded my head vigorously.

    Maya just laughed. "Alright, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

    With that being said, Maya and I interlocked fingers and started to walk towards the huge Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.

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