13: We Should Work on the Project

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Chapter Thirteen
Maya Hart

    "What a night!" I sighed, putting my arm around Riley's waist.

    It had been about an hour since Riley and I had left Central Park and we were now wandering the streets of New York, not having to worry about getting ran over by cars since they juts go right through us.

    "Yeah," Riley giggled, putting her arm around my shoulder, "Thank you for making it the best one of my life."

    I rolled my eyes. "That's like the one-hundredth time that you thanked me! You don't need to thank me so much!"

    "But, I do! I really appreciate how you made it up to me for missing my birthday, even though I told you that you didn't have to since it wasn't your fault that you missed it. And the way that you thought of something really fun for us to do really quick was incredible!"

    I blushed. "Aw, why thank you!"

    "Don't thank me! You were the one who put this amazing night together!"

    I smirked. "You're right, Riley; I shouldn't be thanking you— I should be thanking myself. Maya, thank you so much for putting this together for yourself and Riley, but mostly for Riley. You are the coolest person that I know. Even cooler than dorky Riley who won't let me thank her for complimenting me!"

    I could tell that Riley was a bit upset, but secretly wanted to let out a huge laugh. She then separated herself from me.

    "Hey!" She scowled, playfully punching my arm.

    "Ow!" I cried, bursting out into a fit of laughter.

    That was when Riley lost it. My laugh was so contagious that it made her start to laugh along with us. Not finding my joke that funny anymore, I just continued to laugh at Riley's contagious laugh. She continued to laugh at my contagious laugh. Before I knew it, I had been laughing for so long that my insides started to hurt. Good thing that no one could see us, or else everybody think that there was two lunatics laughing like hyenas on a sugar buzz walking down the street.

    "Ok, ok...," Riley began between heavy breaths, trying to calm down, "You're welcome!"

    I just smirked. "Now you're just as cool as me."

    Riley grinned. "Good. That's what I was hoping for."

    "So, what do you wanna do now since we can't sleep or go back into our bodies?" I asked Riley as I put my arm back round her waist once we had both finally settled down.

    "I don't know; what do you want to do?" Riley asked as she put her arm back around my shoulder.

    "Hey, you can put your arm around my shoulder! No fair!"

    Riley gave me a confused look. "What do you mean? You can put your arm around mine."

    "Yeah, but you're tall, so it's easier for you. In order for you to put your arm around my shoulder, you have to lower your arm. In order for me to put my arm around your shoulder, I have to raise my arm, which is harder and more tiring than lowering it."

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